Chapter 08

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The bright morning rays streamed through the windows of the room, illuminating everything in it. The white, laced curtains flapped smoothly as a breeze blew in, sending a cool vibe throughout the room.

Yawning, Mykal turned to his left and looked at Gunther and Sonia as they slept peacefully. Ever since they'd left Viscave, after Kayla had died, things weren't easy. Now, things were looking up. He could hold on to his feign identity a little longer, and his children could live the life he wanted them to have, without having to worry about completing his duty to take the throne.

He couldn't help but smile. However, the thought of having to live a false life was eating away at him, but he knew it was for the best. Flashbacks of his mother caring for him when he was ill, and his father teaching him to play Borf - a highly complicated game, similar to golf, but the only difference is that it's played in the sky - flooded his mind.

He laughed as he remembered his first time playing. He had to wear winged boots since elves couldn't fly. He was about eleven years old, and he didn't know much about controlling them as yet. He ended up playing through the entire game upside down, in midair.

He sighed and shook his head at the memory, and got out of the bed to stand at one of the opened windows. He looked out into the distance at the rising sun. He breathed in the fresh morning air, the scent of the maple trees growing in the garden soothing him. Mykal smiled as he rested his shoulder against the window frame. His green eyes shimmered as the sunlight hit them. It was a new dawning for him and his children, and he was pleased.

A low knock came from the door, causing him to turn around and amble over to it. He quietly opened the door and greeted the princess. He asked if she'd like to come in, but she shook her head and said it was fine. She also told him that the reason she came that early was to inform him of his new job. There was pretty much vacancy for everything in the palace, so Mykal just told her he'd accept them all; whenever and wherever help is needed, he'd be there.

Johanna was excited to hear that and gave him a long hug, which turned awkward after a moment. Pulling away, they both chuckled nervously. Johanna's face was red, filled with embarrassment. She excused herself, hoisting up her frilly, turquoise dress and scurrying down the hall, away from Mykal's room. He waved and called out to her in an effort to say thank you, but she just kept running until she was out of sight, around a turn.

Mykal closed the door and rested his back against it. His heart hammering in his chest, and he could tell he was blushing, too. Pushing himself off the door, he smiled.

Walking across the room to the window, he almost jumped out of his skin when a little girl's voice filled the room. He turned to the bed and saw a fully awakened Sonia, sitting on her heels. She began saying, in a sing-song voice, "Daddy likes the Princess", repeatedly. Gunther got out from under the sheets, and sat like his sister, joining in on the third round and giggling with her.

Mykal laughed at his cute bundles of joy. He ran over to the bed, grabbed two pillows, and threw them at the two little elves. Then, he plopped down on the bed, tickling them both. Afterwards, they freshened up, got dressed, and were out of the room.

They met Princess Johanna along the way, and she blushed madly at the sight of Mykal. She took them to the palace library, where all the children of the servants were schooled. Shelves lined the walls of the circular room. The ceiling was designed with different paintings of the many rulers of Lenanthia; large banners shaped like scrolls hung from the ceiling, and contained the many doctrines of the kingdom; the wooden floor was lacquered, and gave off a bright sheen that was very appealing.

Four long, metallic tables were set like a square. Around the table, sat many offspring to different creatures: elves, fairies, ogres, turtles, etcetera. Johanna introduced Mykal and his children to the teacher, Bella, who was a fairy. Her sparkling yellow glow lit up everywhere she walked, and some of her dust trailed her until it dissipated in the blink of an eye. After all formalities, Mykal led Sonia and Gunther to two empty chairs by the table, and kissed both of them goodbye, in hopes that they'd behave themselves and learn a lot.

He and Johanna left the library, and she led him to the garden where he'd start his job as a gardener. They stood in the garden to the eastern side of the palace, and she explained the patterns the flowers must follow. She showed him how some of them had been done and told him that it was imperative he followed that same pattern. Mykal nodded and got to work, as Johanna left the garden, giving him a final glance before she disappeared around a corner.

Mykal smiled as he planted the flowers in order of purple tulips, yellow tulips, daisies, dandelions, red carnations, and finally, red roses. The smell was as beautiful as Johanna's face. He blinked a few times as he thought about what ran through his head.

But they just met. He couldn't... Could it be? Did he like the princess? No...not just like - love.


Hello, my crowned supporters. 😊
'A New Dawn of Love'. How nice, don't you think? ♥
Will this ship sail? Will it last?
Or will it end up being the past?

Well, I'll be working on the next update. Some serious editing needs to take place, as I've made some changes to this one before publishing it. Wish me luck!


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