Living with the spider (claude x reader)

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Hey guys this fanfic was actually supposed to be a oneshot but i guess im going to try to make it into a legitamate story... Cuz of stuff... So yeah hope you enjoy!  OH! and by the way I forgot one more abbreviation!

(E/C)= eye color.

After the ball you slipped off your gown and went into bed. As you were trying to fall asleep you heard a slight knocking at your door.

"You may enter," you stated tiredly. When you sat up to see who was you saw Alois standing there looking angry and sad at the same time.

"He kissed you," he stated in a low toned voice.

"W-what?" You asked slightly afraid of the boy.

"My Claude, KISSED YOU!" he screamed wildly.

Befor you could say anything he took hold of your throat, you grasped his hands over your neck and tried to pry him off of you. As you gasped for breath trying to stay consious you felt Alois let go.


The butler seemed unphased by Alois' howling fit of rage and tried to calm him down. "Master," Claude cooed,"why on earth would you think I would want to hurt you?"

"Well you kissed (Y/N) for one!"

"Yes I did but it was because I couldn't resist." Claude sent a smirk in your direction making you blush slightly.

After all of... that, had happened you once again found yourself slipping into a peaceful sleep. Unknowing of the day to come.

You found yourself in the morning with messed up hair and a sore throat. Sighing you reluctantly got out of bed. You thought Alois was a bloody maniac that needed to be tested for sociopathy. You brushed your (H/C) hair, put on some normal clothes and headed out the door. As you entered the kitchen you bumped into a solid figure none other than the butler that vexed you so very much.

"Ah, we meet again my little (Y/N)," he smirked.

"Y-yes we do... Hey, uh, Claude?" you asked.


"I just wanted to thank you for saving me from Alois..." you blushed.

"Well just as I said last night, I can't resist you (Y/N)..." he stared into your (E/C) eyes for a while until he asked," Is that all your wondering about?"

"N-nope I'm good!" you tried to walk away from him but he grabbed your wrist holding you back.

"I'm waiting for a legitimate reason (Y/N)," he hissed in your ear making you blush harshly.

"Claude," you turned around to look him in his beautiful brown eyes,"What are we having for breakfast?"  you felt incredibly stupid and smacked yourself in the face in your mind.

As you were looking into Claude's eyes you saw a spark of amusement. A smile played upon the butlers lips. "why don't you come and help me cook it?" he asked.

"uhhhhhh, Sure," you stammered.

First he had you cut some onions for the dish while he broke some eggs over a bowl and mixed them together. You were guessing that he was making an omelet for the young lord. After cooking the omelet he brought out strawberry shortcake.

"What's that for?" you asked genuinely curious.

"This is the desert for dinner we have to put the whipped cream on it."

He brought out a bowl of freshly made whipped cream and got out a spatula. "Would you like to do the honors (Y/N)?"

you nodded in response and smiled slightly. you took the spatula out of his hand your fingers accidently brushing over his making your heartbeat spike. He smirked as if he had heard it making you blush even more. You  scooped up the whipped cream and put some on the cake part. After you had covered the entire thing in whipped cream you dragged a finger through the rest of it and ate some. Some of the topping getting on the tip of your nose.

"(Y/N)?" Claude asked sweetly.

"what? as if you've never done it!" you pouted.

He laughed to himself and got the whipped cream off the top of your nose with his finger. "It's not that, you had some whipped topping on your nose..." Once again he smirked, and at this point it kind of pissed you off because you knew in some way he was different.... but you couldn't figure it out.

Living With The Spider ( Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now