The frights in the night

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Hey guys! >.< Omg im sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner. I've honestly scared that you were going to come at me like an angry mob! I've just been really busy lately and running out of ideas for this fanfic. So if u have any suggestions please let me know!


You stood there with a flushed face with your head frantically pounding with questions. You heard more foot steps coming around the corner. A happy Hannah came into view.

"Why Hello miss (Y/N), how are you today?"

"I'm good Hannah," you laughed nervously.

"(Y/N)," Hannah began.

"Y-yes?" you asked obviously still distracted.

"I hope I'm not prying, but are you alright? Do you need to sit down or something?"

"No, no nothing like that," responded." It's just... Claude asked me to meet him in the garden tonight..."

Hannah's smile grew brighter and she squealed in delight. "Oh miss (Y/N)! I knew that you two would get together!" She pulled you through the halls excitedly once again leading you to the cellar. "Is it alright if I pick out the dress? I have the perfect one!"

"Uh.. sure." You responded, slightly taken back as you had never seen the maid so exited.

She came back with a long, black flowing dress with (F/C) sequins on the top. "Here, try this on."

"Okay...." you took the dress and put it on in another room that had a mirror. It matched your skin tone completely, and not to mention your figure. You came out for Hannah to see, she smiled brightly. "well, Thank you once again Hannah," you returned her smile.

"Anytime!" and with that she walked away happily.

You really did feel bad for her, especially with her eye. She was very clumsy and you assumed that was why she wore a patch over her eye.

It was still about noon so you wandered around the manor, ate some fruit out of the fridge and wrote in your diary. Wishing that it would get dark. Soon enough it did. You threw on the dress and some eye shadow that matched the sequins. You slipped on some plain leather (F/C) high heels before heading out of your room.

You entered the beautiful rose filled garden. The moon shined brightly and the stars seemed to twinkle just for you. When you reached the middle of the garden an amazing sight befell your eyes. A table set for two donned with candles and blue rose pedals.

"(Y/N)" A deep voice whispered behind you making you shiver.

"Claude..." you responded slowly. He walked around you pulling out a chair motioning you to sit, you did as he implied and he pushed that chair gently up to the table. His brown eyes gleamed with mystery. He brought out a gold platter revealing your favorite food. You smiled" thank you. But how did you know this was my favorite? I never told you!"

"Oh, lets just say I'm very... perceptive." He smirked.

"Whatever that means...." you scrunched your nose and dug your (Fork or spoon) into your meal.

You two ate in silence occasionally catching a smirking glance from the butler. After you were done you decided to ask a few questions to the dark-haired butler.

"Hey, uh, Claude?"

"Yes my darling (Y/N)?" he grinned.

"What happened to Hannah's eye?" You asked.

His expression darkened and his grin disappeared from his face. "The master can get... problematic at times."

Your eyes widened. "P-problematic?"

his dark eyes flicked to yours. "Do you really want to know what happened (Y/N)?"

Unable to speak you nodded your head.

He twirled a piece of your (H/C) hair in his fingers before answering. "He stabbed her in the eye with his own finger simply because he could..."

You gasped and stood up from the table. "You don't think he would..." you trailed off thinking of what the boy could do to you.

Claude stood up and put his hands on your hips. "I wouldn't dare let him hurt you (Y/N)."

You shivered- you loved the way your name sounded as he said it. He kissed you softly, before pulling you into a warm embrace that felt some-what protective.

Alois P.O.V.

"(Y/N)" I said allowed. She had came into my home, made me love her as a sister.... then she did THAT. She kissed MY Claude... Claude was mine, no one would come in the way of that. Not even that Bloody wretch (Y/N)...

Claude came into my room to prepare me to go to sleep. I eyed him suspiciously.

"Claude... you love me don't you?" I asked tears pouring down my face as I buried my face in his chest.

"Of course I do your highness," he replied blankly. No emotion in his voice, the bloody bastard just kept the same stoic expression on his face.

I pushed him away and rubbed my eyes. "Leave me." I stated lowly. He bowed and did as I asked. I got up after he left and punched a hole in my wall. I then cried myself to sleep. (Y/N) Will pay for what she has done...

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