Red hair and a deadly dare

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Sorry I haven't updated lately I've been SUPER busy! but I love you all so here you go! ^_^


The rest of the day you tried to avoid Alois as best as you could. You chatted with Hannah and the Triplets for a while before they had to do more chores. You walked through the halls until you heard a very... unique voice that sounded melodramatic. You decided to investigate. You opened the door slightly trying to see who it was. Whoever she was, you thought, she had beautiful flowing red hair. Although... her voice sounded off some how...

"I CAN SEE YOU." She yelled.

You jumped knowing that you had been spotted. She opened the door all the way revealing that Claude was in the room as well. Was she his girlfriend? You blushed slightly jealous. You bowed your head and whispered you were sorry, and looked into her bright green eyes.

Claude piped up. "You have nothing to be sorry for (Y/N), Grell was just leaving, weren't you?"

Grell huffed," Yes I was, BUT DON'T FORGET OUR DEAL." She walked out with an annoyed look on her face.

When you turned around you were face to face with a smirking Claude. You jumped and Blushed harshly. "You know that he's a guy... right?"


"I'm afraid so my dear."

So... she was a he... you let that sink in for a moment before realizing that Claude was only inches away from your face. You could feel his warm breath against your skin. His eyes looking straight into yours with temptation and mischief.

"U-um Claude? Why are you so close to me?" you asked.

"I can't resist, your too perfect."

"Wha-" before you could finish your sentence he pressed his lips to yours. He slipped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. He broke the kiss when he heard Alois yell.

"Meet me in the garden tonight," he smirked," Wear something nice..."

You watched as he walked away. When you blinked he was gone...


tee hee! tell me what u think and please vote!


{2021 Update Authors Note} Hello. I read many of the comments that come through my inbox, and an influx of them are on this chapter, and I would like to clear some things up. I did write this fanfiction when I was 13 years old. In 2013. I did not know about trans people, and the extent of my knowledge of LGBTQIA+ was limited to the fact that I knew gay people existed. I am not in any way transphobic. I have trans friends, and support them and any pronouns they wish to use. I support ANY pronouns ANYone wants to use. Please keep in mind that sometimes fanfictions are written by children who don't know any better. Had I wrote the fanfiction in these times, I would have done things very different. I have not changed a word of the actual fanfiction because I like to read my old work, and compare it to the new to see my growth. 

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