There's no need to fear, my dear... or is there?

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Holy fudge! over 2000 reads! this is truly amazing! seriously, thank you so much for all the comments and votes and reads, its really amazing! so without further due, here's the next part!


        He stared at you with his blue icy eyes, which seemed to bore into your soul. You shivered. You and Alois stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity.

"(Y/N)" he stated lowly.

"A-alois..." you stammered, he looked as if he was ready to kill someone... 'most likely me...' you thought to yourself.

Before you could blink, Alois had you pinned to the ground by your throat. You struggled in his grip trying to get away, he only tightened his grip and pulled out a golden, ruby studded daggar. Adrenaline kicked in as he raised the dagger, you pushed him off cutting your arm in the process. You inhaled deeply before running into the forest as fast as you possibly could, holding your arm as blood seeped through your fingers. When you thought you were far enough from the house you sat down with salty tears staining your face from the pain. Something stirred in the bushed behind you. Eyes wide you stood up.

"(Y/N)?" a deep voice asked. Claude stepped out from a near by tree. He rushed over to you,"What happened?" he asked protectively.You could only manage to utter out Alois' name. Claude's expression hardened. "(Y/N), it time you know... I have a sort of.. contract with Alois. If he orders me to do something I have to do it, no matter what."

Your (E/C) gleaming eyes shook with fear. What were you going to do now? As questions and worry- some thoughts filled your head, Claude put his hand on your wound. You felt a strange tingling sensation and suddenly, it didn't hurt anymore. You looked and your arm had completely healed. You looked at him with a questioning glance. He smirked and pulled you into a passion filled kiss. You squeaked in surprise before kissing back. He put his arms around your waist pulling your two bodies closer. You reached up to touch his hair that looked ever so soft, but Claude caught your hands. You pulled away and pouted. He chuckled softly.

"Hey! let me go! I wanna touch your hair..." you blushed.His smirk grew wider. He put your hands on his shoulders and put his hands on your hips. Before you knew it, you were both dancing around the forest without any music playing. You tripped over a root and accidentally fell on top of the raven haired butler, landing with your head on his chest. "Oh... uh... sorry C-claude," your blush deepened making you as red as a tomato. You got up quickly, you thought about going back to your room, but then you remembered... you were in the middle of the forest. You snapped your fingers remembering a question you had for Claude before he.. "distracted" you. You turned around and jumped as the butler was standing right behind you. You looked up into his beautiful brown eyes that looked a little... golden, at the moment. You gulped before asking," what are you doing in the middle of the forest?"

He smirked at your cute, curious expression before answering," I like to come here alot, it helps me think about things and... plan."

You raised an eyebrow at what he had to 'plan' about, but dismissed it at once. You sat down on the soft grass beneath you, layed back, and patted the space next to you; motioning Claude to lay next to you. He happily obliged and turned his head to look at your face, and he smiled. It wasn't a smirk, or grin, it was a genuinely happy smile. You couldn't help but smile back at how cute he looked when he smiled. He reached over and twirled your (H/C) hair around his finger. You looked up at the darkening sky.

"Claude..?" you asked with your voice close to a whisper.


"What am I going to do... Alois hates me, he tried to kill me.. again. I can't go back now. He'll just try and try until he is satisfied." All hope in your eyes dwindled away the more you thought about it. You had lived there for so long... you had nowhere else to go. All of your family was either dead or they hated you. You were lousy at jobs and therefore couldn't get enough on your own. You were royally screwed.

"Come back with me, I know this will be scary for you, but you have to trust me. Okay (Y/N)?"

You nodded your head. Claude was the first to stand up. he offered you his hand, you took it and he pulled you up. You walked back to the Trancy Estate in silence... worrying about the little boy that seemed so innocent at first, but turned out to be a monster in disguise.

Living With The Spider ( Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now