The End.... Could It be Around the Bend?

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You woke up in a place you did not recognize. There was no gold in the room, as if it was all replaced with silver. You blinked your eyes a few times and almost pee'd yourself when you saw a black haired man in the corner watching you with... blood red eyes. You sat there with eyes wide in fear. The man smirked as he saw you.

"Hello, (Y/N). You may not know me, but I know you..." he grinned dangerously at you before his face went into an emotion of disgust," the girl that.... Claude, fancies."

There were so many questions running in your mind the only thing you could utter out was," W-what are you going to do to me...?"

He walked over to you without a sound and put out his hand. you got out of the bed nervously and took it. He dropped to his knees and kissed your hand softly before saying," Do not worry, I will not hurt you. I am just going to keep you for a while..."

You pulled your hand away in disgust and fear,"W-what?! keep me?! you can't Claude.... Claude will save me!"

The man got up, and it looked as if something just dawned on him. He smiled apologetically before bowing to you. "Please forgive me milady, I have not introduced myself. I am Sebastian Michealis. I serve the Phantomhive Manor, which is where we are right now." he gestured to the room around the two of you.

At this point you were really starting to get angry," Listen here buddy," you started," I have no intention to let you keep me, so why don't you just let me go before you get hurt by Claude?"

Sebastian stood there with a look of annoyance on his face at the mention of the other butler's name. You stood there in silence waiting for him to say something, he opened his mouth but quickly shut it as a look of... sadness fell upon his face. He looked to you with his distress ridden orbs before speaking," Look... It is not as If I want to do this but.... Claude has stolen something very important to me... So, I only wanted to get back at him in some ay to negotiate a trade of some sort."

You paused for a moment. "I understand," you spoke quietly," I won't try to run... but I expect to be treated like a lady and allowed to move around the manor as I please."

The butler looked stunned at your response. He smiled genuinely causing you to blush slightly as he bowed. "Allow me to show you around then." he walked towards the door and held it open as you stepped out into the hall.

Claude's P.O.V.

'I finally got him.... Ciel is mine. There is only one small issue... This greed has consumed me, resulting in losing the one that I love to that awful Sebastian... He's probably going to try to form a negotiation.. Putrid scum. I walked down the hall and turned the corner and I felt an unpleasant presence. I narrowed my eyes before ordering," Show yourself angel."

I heard a laugh behind me that sounded like a man's. An angel wearing white and purple stepped out. He had white hair and purple eyes that seemed to look upon me in disgust, and a smirk to compliment. "Calm yourself, demon. I did not come here to harm you. Since the reapers had too much trouble figuring out what was to happen to the Ciel child, I came to offer a deal."

I raised my eyebrow in questioning. "what kind of deal?"

His eyes darkened dangerously for a angel, "You see, I am Ash Landers. And I am here to get my revenge off of Sebastian. All I need, is for you to simply hand the Ciel boy over to me."

I scoffed. "Give him to you? Why would I do that?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You Demon's have no patience, I wasn't done talking." He paused," If you give me Ciel, I will get you your sweet (Y/N) back, and I will allow you to be human once more."

I thought about it... this could.... wait human? disgusting. I turned down his offer. He looked at me in utter rage before smirking. He was really starting to piss me off... but I didn't let my facial expression reveal anything of my true emotions.

"Heh, okay whatever you say, but don't blame me when your little plan fails, don't come crawling to me."

And with that, he left me with many questions in my mind. How could my plan fail? I have Ciel. I have everyone where I wan't them........... Except (Y/N)...

your P.O.V.

It had been a few days since you were at the Phantomhive manor. You were able to meet Meyrin, Tanaka, Bardroy, and Finny. You had begun to actually like it there, even though your heart longed so very much for Claude. You woke up from a dead sleep to find a woman with wings standing over you. She had white hair and beautiful soft features and Lavender eyes. She smiled and put her finger to her lips. You couldn't move your mouth to scream as the woman had such a strangely soft aura around her.

"Hello (Y/N)," she said softly," Do not worry I am not here to hurt you, I am simply here to explain everything..."

--time skip-

Your eyes widened in fear.........Claude, and Sebsatian...are.. You gulped. Angela who was sitting at the edge of your bed noticed your discomfort, she petted your hair softly and put her arms around you. You blinked a few times.

"Do you have any questions?" she asked as she let go of you.

"No..." you thought for a moment," actually, yes."

She opened her arms as if to say 'ask away'.

"Can we go where Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, and Ciel are withought them noticing?"

She thought for a moment before answering. "We can, but anyone you touch can see you, so you must be careful."

You nodded in agreement and in an instant you were on some strange island. You saw Clade reach his hand down Hanna's throaght and you looked away in disgust. A green sword that looked like thorns weaved together. It seemed that Claude and Sebastian were going to duel, but you were too far away to hear what they were saying. You watched in horror as the two black-haired butlers fought. Claude had a very good start until.... thing started going the other way. At this point you didn't care if anyone saw you. You rushed toward the two men, but you were too late.... Sebastian had plunged the sword into Claude. You screamed out Claude's name as tears rolled down your face.  You flinched as a hand could be felt on your shoulder you looked behind you to see a man that looked like he could be Angela's brother, but at this point you couldn't care less, your Claude was dying. His glasses were placed  on his nose by Sebastian. Sebastian walked away and you rushed towards Claude. You touched his arm so he could see you. He looked shocked as he saw your face, he looked past you to see the other man and he clenched his jaw. He softened his gaze as he looked into your beautiful (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)," he struggled to speak as he went on," I never had the chance, to tell you... I've been so selfish... and (Y/N) I love......" His eyes went blank.

You screamed his name and shook him. You kissed his lips and whispered," I love you too claude..."

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