Tripple the trouble on the double.

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Your P.O.V.

You woke up not knowing of the day to come. You did as you usually do in the morning. The same boring routine, every day. You felt as if you had messed things up with Claude, so you decided to try to stay away from him today. It was just the look in his eyes... filled with spite and hatred... It gave you shivers down your spine. You jumped at the sound of a knock on your door. You opened it to see an embarrassed raven-haired butler standing there.

"Oh, uh, hello Claude." You looked to the floor.

"(Y/N)... I just wanted to apologize for how harsh I must have sounded last night..." He was looking at the floor as well and- was he blushing?

You smiled because he looked like a sad little puppy who did something bad. He looked up to see you smiling with a confused look on his face. "It's okay I never should have asked..." you replied.

"Why on earth are you smiling?" he asked.

You chuckled to yourself, "Well, you just looked so cute when you were embarrassed."

His usual devilish smirk appeared on his face as he snaked his arms around your waist. Making you blush deeply as he did.

"Who's Blushing now?"

Without letting you respond he kissed you. His lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. He smelled of roses and tea. You smiled and kissed back. He cupped your face in his hands and looked into your (E/C) eyes. He pulled away and got on one knee and kissed your hand. After that he disappeared into the darkness of the halls.

Alois' P.O.V.

I had yelled for Claude. He would be coming any moment now. My heart beat faster knowing this fact. It was just a matter of time before I put my plan into place. My eyes flicked over to the butterfly I had captured. At least he couldn't leave me like Claude had... hehe After all it's wings were broken, then again... that was because of me...

Claude entered the room quietly.

"Claude! I need you to fill this room with roses for the butterfly!"

"Yes, your highness." He bowed and Walked out.

DAMMIT! What do I have that (Y/N) doesn't?! Why Can't Claude Love me?!

Your P.O.V.

You wondered out into the garden to find the triplets arranging roses.

"Hi guys!" You waved and smiled at them. They waved and smiled back at you. You thought they were all quite handsome, although you knew your heart lied with Claude. You walked over to them to ask what they were doing since you only ever saw them whisper to each other.

"Hello miss (Y/N)," Cantebury said with a smile the other two nodded. You could tell it was him because his hair was always parted to the left. Such as Thompson's was parted down the middle and Timber's was to the right.

"So you guys can talk, huh?" You joked.

They exchanged glances and Thompson spoke up, " Actually we really aren't supposed to talk because according to Claude we are 'ill mannered and fowl tongued'."

"He's a bloody stiff if you ask me," Timber stated.

"Don't really know why the master likes him so much, we do most of the work around here." Cantebury added. They all nodded in agreement.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from your work, so have a nice day!" You smiled and walked off, not quite sure what to think of 'ill mannered and fowl tongued'. So you walked off without a second thought.

You entered through the back door only to nearly bump into the boy you had been avoiding for days on end...

Living With The Spider ( Claude x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz