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It was only a few weeks ago before I decided to actually move on. I never thought I would be so attached to this one person. Maybe my friends were right about me being naïve to actually stay with this person.

2 Months Ago

"Hey babes. Can we meet up at Jimmy's BBQ lounge?" I read my text message from my future husband and a flash of happiness run throughout my entire body.

"Sure honey. I'll be there as soon as possible." I replied with a bright big smile on my face.

I'm currently at work reading through files my boss hands me right when I walk through the door. God that man is just the devil! No wonder why he's single.

My co-worker Alyssa walks passed my office to see me suffering, but she also sees my big cheeky smile on my face.

"Let me guess you're going to go see him right after work huh?" She asked with a smirk running across her face.

"Yes! And I can't wait! I think today's the day he'll finally propose to me!" I squealed with so much excitement while continuing to read files.

"My fingers are crossed for you hun." Alyssa smiled while she crossed her fingers.

I continued to read through files waiting for my shift to be over already. Geez why do I have to get all the heavy files! It's 4:15 pm and it's almost time for me to leave and I can't wait!

My thoughts run wild as I begin to pack up my things getting ready to clock out and run out the door. I imagine that once I make it to Jimmy's to see my future husband all dressed up with a bouquet of roses with a velvet box sitting on the table, and inside the box is a 4.5 karat ring. God I would begin to tear up as he gets on one knee and ask for my hand in marriage to be his and only his forever!

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a chime go off and that's my cue to leave. YES IM FINALLY FREE FROM THIS HELL HOLE I CALL A JOB! IM ON MY WAY JIMMY'S!

I walk to my Tahoe and got in and begin to rev up my engine and begin to drive off my business lot and into the roadway that would lead me to Jimmy's BBQ. I feel my insides bright up in happiness and excitement! I'm on my way to my proposal.

I reach the corner that leads me to Jimmy's and I feel butterflies in my stomach as I get closer and closer to my dream becoming true. I reach the lot to Jimmy's and gather my purse and walk into the restaurant. The smell of BBQ sauce and sizzling ribs run through my nose. I'm in heaven.

I look around for my lover or should I say future husband. I spot him and I immediately walk towards him. He stands and hugs me as I engulf him into a tight hug. His cologne lingers through my nostrils and I'm in love.

We released each other and he pulls out my chair for me to sit down. He pushed me into the table and went to sit in his seat to where we are face to face. It's complete utter silence as I waited for him to speak.

"Is everything okay Andrew? You're offaly quiet." I asked confused on why he hasn't proposed yet.

"I have a confession to make. You'll probably won't like it." He mumbled as his gaze changed from me to the table.

"What? What is it?" I asked confused.

"I'm breaking up with you. I found someone new and better than you. It was never going to work out between us." He said as if he was terrified to look at me.

Two Faced LoverWhere stories live. Discover now