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"YOUR JUST TEMPORARY! I DON'T NEED YOU!" Was the last words he told me before he left me for another. I still remember it like it was yesterday. He was perfect for me, or that's what I thought when he left me to take care of his child.

"Mommy where did daddy go?" My six year old daughter, Elaine (E-LIANE), asked me as she watched cartoons.

"Um I don't know how to tell you this love...." I begin to speak as I walk towards my little girl. She hopped on my lap waiting for me to tell her the bad news, "Daddy is not coming back." I sit still as my daughter begins to cry.

She loved her daddy with all her heart and so did I, but what made him want to leave me and his beautiful loving daughter? Was it that he wasn't happy? Was it he wasn't getting enough cookie? I don't understand!

A few weeks have passed by after the day Andrew left me. I remember vaguely how angry he was. I never seen him so angry before in my life. Matter a fact why was he so angry? Was he still seeing that Ember girl from some months ago? I don't know.

I drop my daughter off at school every day and head to work. I am now employed at this company who needed new secretaries for certain departments and I gladly took the job. Once there I meet with Mr.Neilson in his office to where he will assign me to one of the department leaders who needs a secretary.

"Ah Ms.Young thank you for being on time." Mr.Neilson smiles as he shakes my hand.

"It's my pleasure of working here sir." I smile brightly while shaking his hand.

"Now let's get down to business. You will the secretary of....." He trails off while trying to find his paperwork. His office is a little messy after all. "Ah here it is. You will be the secretary for Mr.Andrew Wright." He smiles as he hands me some files.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!! I'M ANDREW'S SECRETARY!!!!!! This is an outrage! I demand an explanation for this! Why out of all people I have to be Andrew's secretary! Why couldn't I be Ember's secretary?

"With all your respect sir, but can you consider that I can be Ember's secretary instead?" I asked a little annoyed that I have to be either Andrew's secretary or Ember's secretary.

"Ember already stated that she doesn't need nor want a secretary." Mr.Neilson mumbles as he starts reading some reports of the company.

"But sir their must be some common misconception. Please can you try to reconsider?" I asked while Mr.Neilson ignores my entire existence.

"YOU WILL BE MR.WRIGHT'S SECRETARY AND THAT'S FINAL!!!" Mr.Neilson yells as he points towards his door signaling me to leave.

I slowly rise up out of the chair and walk out of Mr.Neilson's office to head towards Andrew's office. As I get closer to his office I spot a very familiar face. I know that face. Is that Ember? It has to be. No doubt about it. She's a lovely woman. Maybe I should just wave to her.

I take a small detour to Ember's office just to speak to her. Maybe she won't hold a grudge against me from what happened between us.

I walk towards her office door and knock waiting patiently for her to allow me entrance. Once I hear her I immediately walk in and close the door behind me.

I look around her office and it's very well designed and organized. I gotta hand it to her she was good with her interior designing skills. I walk towards her desk and she doesn't seem to see me with her nose stuck in between her glasses reading a lot of files.

"Good morning Ms.Rose. Nice to see you again." I smile weakly waiting for Ember to look up and see my face.

She looks up and a wave of hatred was written across her face as she met my smiling face. She sits the files down on her desk following by her glasses as she walks around her desk to stand in front of me.

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