Love Me Again

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"Pick up Star. Pick up!" I yell frantically as I'm waiting for Star to answer her phone.

"What is it Micah?! I told you I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Star yells furiously.

"Star it's me Ani'Kai. Listen you have to get to Andrew's private mansion and hurry. Micah's in there!" I yell as Star agree to come over.

Once the call ended I hear several gun shots fired from the house. Could it be that he had killed Micah?! No Micah no!!!!! Why did you do that!!!


I'm sitting in my study reading through the text messages from Andrew. It hurts to see that he has them again and I hate that Micah distract me from keeping them safe. Ugh I was so stupid to believe him! I should've gotten so close to him!

I look at my phone to see Micah calling. I ignore the first call. He calls back and I eventually give in and answer the phone.

"What do you want Micah. I don't want to talk to you." I sternly spoke into the phone.

"Star it's me Ani'Kai. Listen you have to get to Andrew's private mansion and hurry. Micah's in there!" I hear a scared Ani'Kai from the other side of the phone.

"O-okay Ani'Kai calm down. Tell me what's going on?" I asks as Ani'Kai begins to cry through the phone.

"Micah came to get us and, and him and Andrew was fighting and, and Andrew pulled a gun on Micah and Micah might be...." Ani'Kai stumbles over her words.

"Okay where are you now?" I asks to calm her down.

"We're sitting in Micah's car right now." Ani'Kai reassure me.

"Okay I'm on my way. You two stay in the car and I'll be there soon." I assure Ani'Kai as she agrees and ends the call.

I run into my room and find my loaded rifle and put it in my purse. Andrew is a beast when he has a gun in his hands. He shoots first then talk later. I know he's gonna try and kill me tonight, but I won't let it happen!

I get in my car and drive to Andrew's mansion. I hate the memories this place gave me. I wanted to get rid of this damn torture house! Just the thought of it brings back horrible memories.

"My darling pet. Why do you look so miserable? Hmm?" Andrew asks as he walks around my bursed naked body.

"Why so glum? Cat got your tongue? Hmm?" He asks again as he continue to walk around my body.

I look up at him and spit in his face. With a sly smile on my face I think I just pissed him off. Good. In return I get a slap to the face. I feel the sting of his hand on my face.

"You fucking cunt. Just for that you'll stay here and starve." Andrew sternly states as he walks out the red room where I am held in.

I went without food for twelve weeks and the only time I've gotten to eat was if it was his cum. I starved myself because I didn't want to drink his cum. Ugh just disgusting.

"You haven't eaten in weeks Star. What's the matter? Why won't you eat?" Andrew asks as he lifts my chin to look at him.

I'm cold, dizzy, and hungry. I haven't eaten anything for twelve weeks! I need to get away from this devil, but how? He has me locked up in this damn room every day and every night! I need to get out of here!

"C'mon Love talk to me. What's the matter?" Andrew asks as he looks me in the eyes.

"I'll be satisfied when I kill you." I mumble as he gives me a cold stern stare.

"Aw babe you're so sweet," Andrew smirks as he walks to the door, "But you know the rules. You can't leave until you submit." Andrew smiles as he walks out the room.

I look around to find a key that he might left in this room. Eventually I found the key sitting an inch away from my feet. I struggle to reach for the key. I'm so close to it then I hear the doorknob jiggle. Shit! I finally reach the key and hide it under my foot.

"Here's the plan sweetheart. You can either submit to me now and be my personal sex slave or stay here forever and starve. Take your pick. I'll be back in fifteen minutes for an answer." Andrew turns and walks out the room.

I get the key and unlock my handcuffs. I rub my wrists and unlock the cell door. I look around for my clothes and eventually found them. I put my clothes on and grab the nearest item that could be used to give Andrew trauma to his head.

I walk out the room and slowly keep quiet and not to make as much noise as possible. I reach Andrew's room and look around for my phone and wallet. I see that Andrew left his car keys out on the table. I grab his keys and begin to sneak out of his room. I hear Andrew shift in his bed and turn around and look at me.

He begins to grab my arm and I grab a vase and smash it against his head. I begin to run out the house and head outside to the driveway. I get in the car and begin driving to my moms house. Finally I'm free from this asshole! FINALLY!

I reach Andrew's mansion to see Ani'Kai and Ember in Micah's car. They begin to cry as I run to them. Ani'Kai rolls down the window and begin to ball her eyes out. I reassured her that I will save Micah.

I run into the house to see broken glass, wood, and a trail of blood. Micah what did you do?! I hope he's alright. I walk to the red room. I get the memories back again and I begin to tear up.

I see Micah laying in the corner of the room bleeding to death. Fuck Micah! I run towards his bloody body and try to help him stop the bleeding. Micah please be okay. Please be okay. I-I still love you.

"So you finally came back huh my pet?" Andrew asks as I hear the gun clock in his hands.

I slowly turn around to look at this asshole who tormented me. All the memories are flowing back to my head. I can't let my emotions get the best of me and my task at hand.

"Let's make a deal sweetheart. You can leave the girls with me or you can end up like your pathetic little boyfriend in the corner. Your choice." Andrew smirks as I lower my head.

"You know what Andrew. I think I won't do that." I grab my rifle and fire two rounds to Andrew's left leg.

He falls to the ground holding his leg as I help Micah up off the ground and drag him to my car. I hand Ani'Kai Micah's car keys and told her to follow me to the hospital. Once we reach the hospital they take Micah to a room to help him. I hope he's going to be okay. I really want him to be okay.

Micah please be okay. Please let me love you again......

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