I want a Sister!

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I'm so happy that Elaine has a little sister and all but, I'm also jealous! I am an only child and I demand that I have at least a little brother or sister to talk to and have fun with. I walked to my room and threw my backpack onto my bed. Ugh where's Mom and Micah?

Me and Kaleb walk upstairs to my room and begin working on our homework. I really couldn't focus because I'm worried about Elaine dating...... him. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that someone asked my best friend out, but out of all people it had to be him. Oh yeah I almost forgot that Micah had moved in with us a couple years back.

"Ugh I can't focus!!" Kaleb yelled as he slams his book on my bed.

"Me neither." I replied as I watch Kaleb begin to pace back and forth.

"I can't believe that Elaine is actually gonna go on a date with Justin Reese!" Kaleb disapprovingly mumbles loud enough to where the entire neighborhood can hear.

"I'm just as upset about it as you are Kaleb, but what can we do about it?" I asks as Kaleb stop pacing.

"Hmm...." Kaleb stops to think while I just shook my head.

"We can't talk her out of it. We just have to let her go on this date so she can see for herself," I started as Kaleb looks at me with a sadden expression, "I know you don't like it, but what other choice do we have?" I asked as I heard the front door open and in comes Mom and Micah.

"Kandce sweetie we're home!" My Mom yelled upstairs as Kaleb sighed and shook his head in agreement.

"Coming Mom!" I yell downstairs as me and Kaleb walk downstairs to see mom and Micah with huge smiles.

"Uh what's going on here?" Kaleb asked as my mom and Micah look at each other with smiles.

"Me and Micah are getting married!!!" My Mom yelled in excitement as she showed me and Kaleb her engagement ring.

"Me and Micah are getting married!!!" My Mom yelled in excitement as she showed me and Kaleb her engagement ring

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"WOW! Ms.Evans that a shiner. He must love you that much!" Kaleb yells in amazement as my mom giggles.

"And that's not the only news we have Kandce." Micah smiles warmly as I look at both of them with confusion until it hit me.

"No. Don't tell me that you two are......" I stopped talking as both Micah and my mom shook their heads in unison.

"WERE HAVING A BABY!" I begin to scream and jump up and down with excitement.

I can't believe that I'm gonna be a big sister! Oh my god I can't wait to tell Elaine! Oh yeah she's not talking to me, but who cares I'm gonna be a big sister! I'm just so excited! I can't wait to meet him or her.

I run to both of them and give them a huge bear hug while. They just giggled and hugged me back. After all these years I won't have to be the only child anymore. Especially not to mention that ring that Micah bought for my mom. That's a diamond compared to everyone else I knew who gotten married.

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