I Hate You, I Love You....Still

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After my fiasco with Andrew I missed work. I've gotten calls from my mom and Micah every hour of the day. My boss, Mr.Neilson, has called and emailed me for days, and weeks, but I never replied or call him back.

I just sit back and sink into the comfy couch as it cushion my pain and suffering from yesterday's uproar. I was to embarrassed to show my face to anyone not even my own mother.

Alyssa is dressed ready to head to work with a passionate and confident smile on her face while me on the other hand I look like a desperate fool who is waiting for her former lover to come back and be her's again.

"Ember you gotta get over him." Alyssa now standing in front of me with her long hair following her every move.

"I can't Lyssa. I still love him." I whine as I try to conceal my watery tears.

"Ember..." She spoken softly as she sat next to me. "You need to move on. He's forgotten about you and you need to do the same." Alyssa spoken sternly as she moved a strand of my burgundy hair out of my face.

"What if I can't let him go?" I asked looking at my best friend.

"Then your a fool for longing over him." Alyssa scolded me. This is the first time I've ever seen Alyssa scold me or anyone in that matter.

She stood and walk towards the door. "If you decide to come to work your clothes are already in the bathroom." And with those words she walks out the door and walks to her car and drive away.

Sitting on the couch pondering over what Alyssa scolded me on. I believe I can do better than cry over this man, but deep down I want to stay hidden from the world.

I stood up from the couch and walk towards the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. God I looked horrible. I look awful actually, but I bucked up and begin to wash away the old running mascara that stained my cheeks for the last couple of weeks.

I step into the shower and turn the water on and let the hot water hit my skin and wash off all the sadness that lingered through my skin. I feel my self esteem rise and I feel my confidence come back and I can take on whatever the world can throw at me.

I wash my body with my favorite body wash and I feel more like Ember than the old desperate Ember who cried over a man who never really loved me. Today is my redemption day and today marks the day my love for Andrew has deceased.

I step out the shower all nice, clean, and rejuvenated. I wrap my wet hair up with a towel and begin to dry off the rest of my body. I wipe the mirror with my hand to look at my now clean and refreshen face and I smile.

I put my undergarments on and begin to apply lotion to my skin and I feel pampered by myself and no man can do this for me. I don't need a man to take care of me.

I walk out the bathroom and into the guest bedroom and begin to put my work clothes on and I feel like my sexy adult self. I put my heels on and walk back into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. My makeup looks beautiful and my hair is professionally done and I'm my old sexy self.

I grabbed my purse and my keys and head out the door. I begin to walk to my truck and start the ignition and I can feel myself becoming my old self again. I begin to drive to work motivated and ready to get my work day started. Today is my day. Today is my redemption day. Today is my day to shine!

I arrive to my job and I walk through the doors to meet and greet everyone that's walking pass me until everything came crashing down.

"Ah Ember just the girl I want to see. I want you to meet Andrew Smith. He just started working in your department and I was hoping you'd help him out." Mr.Neilson smiled brightly as Andrew extend his hand out to shake it.

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