Chapter 6

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4 years later

(Baby's 12, Jack's 23 and Mark's 24)

Baby's PoV:

It was a normal day. The hell sun up and the skeleton birds screeching. It felt normal but I knew it wasn't. Something wasn't right but I didn't think much to it. At least I don't have to go to school. I could just laze around. I don't though. I get up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush my teeth and head to the games room. I pick up a controller and start up the console, not really caring what game was in there. I started playing some old retro game. Mario I think. I wasn't paying attention.

After about two hours of playing, I heard the front door smash open and people running. Sam stuck his head round the door and yanked me up the stairs. We ran into his bedroom, listening. We could hear them getting closer. We slid under the bed and hid for what felt like hours until an arm yanked us out. Two hands actually.

I got to my feet and had my back turned to them. I felt a knife stroke up and down my back.

"Move now!" I turned around quickly, not making eye contact with this intruder. I walked down the steps to see my brother on his knees, tied up with a gag in his mouth. He looked up at me as the other man turned around. I recognised his features almost immediately and that made me realise who my captor was.

"Anti what're you doing here?" I questioned.

"Just taking down a threat nothing big." He smirked.

"Nothing big at all then." I muttered sarcastically.

"You'll see. And by the way, your cousin says hi."

"I'll kill him."

"You can't, he'll become so powerful that even you can't take him."

We'll see about that."

I felt my hands get handcuffed behind my back and a gag slip into my mouth. I rolled my eyes and trudged down the last few steps.

"So nice of you to join us princess."

"Mmmm" I said back. Dark's nickname ringing through my ears. Why does everyone call me that?

"So now that you are both here I thought we could play... A game!" He grinned madly as he said that. Obviously having darker intentions.

"Let's see how much it takes to break you princess!" As he said that, he walked behind Sam and dug his knife deep into his arm, making him scream.

"Mmmmm!" I shouted. It was no use he wasn't gonna stop. No matter how hard I try.

"What was that, do it again? Gladly!" He stuck his knife into Sam's arm again but started cutting down it. He then moved onto his back, cutting deep into him, causing him to scream. I kept shouting at Dark to stop but he wouldn't listen. This carried on for a good twenty minutes before Dark asked Anti for a gun. He ripped the gag out of Sam's mouth roughly.

"Any last words bitch?"

"S...she's g...gonna" And at that the trigger was pulled just as Nate and Matt rushed in and got them out killing a few men.

"We'll be back for them too princess!" Anti shouted as he ran out the castle.

I was untied and ungaged and just sat there staring at my brothers body. They broke me alright. I knew I would never be the same again.

Alter EgoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora