Chapter 17

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Jack's PoV:

I wonder where she went. Darks currently interrogating Mark. He keeps asked where she is and where has she gone.

My counterpart strolled into the room I was in. They had tied us down in separate rooms. I don't know why. Anyway, he strolled in with a knife in his hands. He twirled it around his fingers and looked at me evilly.

"Hey Jackaboy, how you doing?"

"I was fine until you guys came." I kept my head down.

I heard the floorboards creak slowly signalling that he was moving closer. He bent down and put the knife under my chin. He slowly pulled up making me face him.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you. Got it?"

"Yeah." I kept my eyes on him, "where's Bob and Wade?"

"They're fine but because you haven't told them about us, they're knocked out on a bed."

"What'd you want Anti?"

"Isn't it clear? I want the girl. She knows something that we don't." He hit me across my cheek with knife. I felt blood start to pour down my face.

"She isn't here. I promise you."

"Do you know where she is then?" He flashed his sharp teeth.

"She's... She's still at the old place. She stayed there because she... She wanted us to go."

"Ok. I believe you, your free to go. I'll go and tell Dark and we'll head out there. See ya Jackaboy." He clicked his fingers and the ropes where undone. I walked into the sitting room to see Mark passed out on the sofa and Anti and Dark gone.

I ran up to Mark and saw he had about a million cut and bruises on him.

"Hey Marky Mark, it's time to wake up now." He groaned and rolled over. I let him sleep a bit more. I quickly texted Baby that it was ok to come home.

Within five minutes she was here.

"How'd you get here so fast?"

"I'm the Devil's daughter, what'd you expect. Oh god Mark." She looked at him and started shaking her head. "We need to go."

"Again." I heard Mark muffle.

"Yeah, they know we're here and you just sent them to the old place. They're gonna be pissed."

"But what about Bob and Wade?" I questioned not wanting to leave my friends behind.

"They can come, they're more to the army anyway." She muttered the last bit but I could just about make it out. I decided to ignore it.

"Where we gonna go?"

"Matt and Ryan's." Mark said.

"Well let's wake up the boys and get Mark all better then we'll head. Jack can you go and tell them what's going on please?" She looked at me with big puppy dog eyes.

"Of course."

Baby's PoV:

I looked at Mark and knelt down beside him. I waved my hands over him making the healing power come out. God, was he weak. He could barely move without groaning.

"It's ok now, Mark. Your all better."

"Thanks Baby." He hugged me and got up.

"It's ok. Go see if the others are ready then we can pack and head off. Don't pack to much." I called after him.

I got up to just instantly fall back down. I felt so weak. My legs were just giving way underneath me. I couldn't walk. I tried calling up to Mark but he couldn't hear me. My voice was raspy and quiet. I soon fell into a deep sleep laying on the floor.

Mark's PoV:

I walked upstairs to find Jack, Bob and Wade sitting in a circle on a bed chatting. I sat down beside Jack.

"You told them?"

"Yeah, they understand. We need to get moving."

"Ok, Baby said that we can't pack to much but enough. We'll be heading to Matt and Ryan's house." I heard a raspy noise from downstairs but didn't really pay attention. I heard banging and thumps as well.

"Ok what is that?" I asked annoyed.

"Let's go check, together." Jack sounded a little afraid.

"Stay behind me you three." I grabbed the nearest thing to me which was a toy gun. I cocked it and held it up.

We walked slowly downstairs and into the living room. After seeing nothing Bob and Wade started to pack while me and Jack continued to look around. We walked around to the front of the sofa and saw Baby.

On the floor, knocked out. She wasn't dead but was weak. As soon as we reached for her she jolted up and sat up.

"The fuck?" She looked so confused then a look of realisation came over her, "right, ok." She muttered to herself.

She stood cautiously, almost falling over a few times. She got her balance and looked up at us.

"Sorry about that guys. I just uhh... Kinda lost all my strength for a second but I'm fine now." We nodded and she went upstairs to grab her bag.

-time skip peeps cuz I'm lazy af-

We were all packed and sitting in my car. It was quite a squeeze but we managed. Me and Bob were in the front, Baby was on the middle seat at the back and Jack and Wade were either side of her. She looked so tired so Jack let her rest her head on him.

She was asleep in seconds and we were driving at a reasonable speed. It was a long drive so we all prepared ourselves for the drive ahead.

I hope Baby was ok.

Hello everyone.

We have 88 reads on this story. Yay!

I love this story and I hope you do to.

Words: 945

Buh byeeee!


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