Chapter 16

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Baby's PoV:

I woke up wrapped in Mark's arms. Him and Jack had fallen asleep on the couch. I looked out the window and saw that it was quite dark outside.

I wriggled out from Mark's grip and grabbed a pen and paper. I scrawled out a note so they don't get worried.

To Mark and Jack,

I am going out for a walk tonight and may be gone for a while. Don't worry about me to much as I can take care of myself.

See you guys in the morning.


I looked the note over. It was good enough. I checked the wall clock quickly, it read: 1:30am.

Perfect time for a walk. I thought. I grabbed my black hoodie and walked outside. It wasn't really cold but not hot either. Kinda a nice in between.

I knew this town. It was one that I went to before. My brothers lived here. Somewhere. That also means the portals around here. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and opened up the portal finder app. This was a very special phone that only me and my family could use.

Surprisingly, I was quite far away from it but I didn't mind. I liked walking. I walked through woodlands and forests until I found a small cliff with a big drop. I saw a purplish glow from the top of it. I reached the top of it and saw the portal. I looked around quickly before jumping in. God this was gonna be a long night.

I looked around, and saw the sign to the castle and various other places round hell. Although hell went on forever, we stayed in the place closest to the portal. Only Devils and demons can get through it so none of the dead people can escape. One of the customs for being a sinner.

I finally got to the castle gates and they opened slowly. I walked through and took in the look of my castle. I got to the doors and walked in. It was surprisingly clean in the main hall. I walked around for what felt like forever just exploring it. I finally reached my parents bedroom and saw that they had not been buried. They were laying side by side, holding hands. I cringed at the sight and noticed something in my fathers hand. It was white. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a note:

Dear Baby,
As you know we have passed now. We knew my brother would do this to us and we were prepared for it. I asked the slaves to not burry us but leave us here for you to find. Your cousin seems to want your position as rightful heir to the throne but we cannot allow this. He has made Dark and Anti his minions so you cannot trust them anymore. I need you to get the amulet out of the secret compartment. It holds great power that only you can use. Use it against them.

I love you my darling


I stuffed the note into my pocket and ran down the stairs to the library. I pulled the book that hid the compartment. I reached in and pulled out the amulet and holding it in the palms of my hands.

I heard noise outside the room so I quickly shut the compartment and turned myself invisible as they opened the door. I ran out quickly and sprinted for my life.

I finally reached the portal and jumped in.

I was out. Finally. I grabbed the amulet and hung it round my neck. I looked up to the sky and saw the sun. It must've been about 7:00.

Jack's bound to be up. I thought and with that I raced home. I was just outside the door when it was flung open. Weak arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Where were you? I've been worried sick." Jack sounded like an overprotective mother.

"I just had some... Unfinished business to do. It's fine now." His eyes went down to my neck.

"What's that? Where'd you get it?" He seemed... paranoid.

"It's a family air loom. It holds great power according to my father."

"You need to run, far away from here."

"W...why?" I tilted my head sideways.

"Because," his voice coming down to a whisper, "Dark and Anti are here and if they find you with that, your dead. They've been looking for that forever apparently. It was in a note your father left you."

"Ok, I'll go, just... Be safe alright. I'll see you later." I started to run off.

"Wait, here's a phone. I'll call or text you when it's safe."

"Thanks Jack." I wrapped my arms around him tightly and quickly ran off into the forest nearby. I had built a treehouse near to the portal when I first got out, so I headed there.

Man, is this far.

Hello wonderful people of wattpad.

Ok, so I am trying my best right now to get your quite a few chapters out. I'm gonna do some on the coach and while I'm at the place but they can't be uploaded until I come back.


Soon you guys soon and don't forget to vote.


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