1. Inseperable

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It was about a month into the tour. My boyfriend was a part of a very successful colalboration youtube channel, O2L (Our Second Life) and the group had embarked on a tour across America. The tour would last almost two months once you factor in all of their pretour rehearsals, so it was halfway over. The six boys had been having the time of their lives. I had joined Connor and the rest of the boys for a couple shows in the first few weeks, but found it tiring and just difficult to do. I couldn't handle all of the screams over my boyfriend and his (and my) bestfriends. I understood the life of a fangirl, but being on the other side of the screams was not for me. 

I hadn't seen Connor in a little over three weeks, the longest we'd ever been apart since we started dating almost a year ago. The perk to all of the boys being gone was getting the "O2L house" that technically belonged to Connor, Kian, Ricky, and JC, all to myself (well...and Wishbone, JC's dog). Sure it was nice to have time to myself and actually focus on my online classes, but it got lonely. That was when I would call Connor. When he couldn't talk, the odds were that at least one of the other five could. Plus, if I wasn't in the mood for talking to boys, I knew I could always count on my best friend Lauren to come keep me company. 

However, tonight, all I wanted was to talk to Connor. The emotions hit me hard that night that I missed him more than anything in the world. It was about 2:30am LA time and he was in..uh..North Carolina? So east coast meant three hours ahead? My mind was racing. 5:30am where the boys were? Would he be awake? Would he answer? Was it worth the call? Of course. I needed to hear his voice, to calm me down, to tell me everything's okay. Speed dial number 1...voicemail. Again....voicemail. I called 7 times, each time upsetting me more, more tears falling. I went to his closet and threw on one of his hoodies, grabbed my keys, and left. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't sit around in that house anymore just thinking about missing him. I blasted the radio, not even listening to it. I turned down roads, not knowing where they led or where I was going.

I somehow managed to get to some sort of highway that I couldn't identify. Tears rolling down my face as "She Will Be Loved" blasted on the radio, a bright light emerges from my right. I looked to the car's clock: 4:06am. I saw that the notification from my phone was a text message. It would be...um..4am..north carolina (maybe) so add three hours...7:06am...that could be him!

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