9. Waking Up

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Jackie's POV

The past few days had been weird to say the least. I was awake, but I couldn't move or control anything. There was constant beeping and hands touching and poking me. It was definitely strange, but I couldn't do a thing. As I "woke up" this morning though, something was different. My eyes actually...opened. I was in a plain white room, no color, no paintings, no fun. On the bright side, there were a lot of flowers and balloons scattered around the windowsill and the little tables around the room. Then, as afraid as I was, I looked down at myself, to see how bad it was. I had a bunch of wires across my chest that were attached the beeping machine to monitor my heart. I also had an oxygen tube under my nose which I didn't notice until I saw the tube lay across my chest. Then I saw the iv in one hand and bandages on the other. There were little scratches on my arms too. While I was taking in the sight of all of that, I started noticing the pain. "Ahhh!" I let out a shriek. My chest felt like a fire had started inside and was now raging inside. I had a headache more intense than any I've ever had. I clenched my fists and scremed out again.

Nurses ran into the room, grabbing my hands as I started kicking, trying to escape the pain. A doctor came in almost immediately and barked orders. Before I knew it, he was injecting something into my iv. I started to relax almost immediately and the nurses left the room. The doctor sat on the edge of my bed, "I'm doctor Schelle, you can call my Rob. You're in the hospital after a car accident. Now, can you tell me the last thing you remember happening?"

"I...um...It was late." He nodded, as if to say that I was right so far. "I went for a drive to..um..clear my mind. Then I was texting my bo--I was texting Connor. Then I..I don't know what happened. I either hit something or someone or someone hit me, but there was a loud bang and the air bag exploded and just a lot happened. Then I saw some lights and heard sirens and that's all I remember."

He patted my arm and nodded. "That's a good sign that you remember so much." He then told me that  nurses would be checking in on me all day and that I could probably go home in a few more days.

***Connor's POV****

We decided that today we should film a video explaining to everyone why we were taking a break from the tour and why our videos this week didn't have much effort put into them. Sam, Trevor, and Ricky sat on the couch and Kian, JC, and I sat on the back of the couch. Ricky began, "hey guys, so, we just wanted to make a quick video to talk about a few things with you guys."

Kian patted my back, "If you guys couldn't tell, we are currently back in our house in LA right now"

JC patted my back too, then said "We have also cancelled a few tour dates and we will be rescheduling them so be sure to check the link in the downbar for more information on that." JC then turned to me, "Do you want to say why or do you want someone else to? We can do it if you want us to, or not at all." 

"Can I take a minute?" they all nodded and I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I walked outside and wandered around, trying to get my emotions in check when I saw the hammock out of the corner of my eye. It was JC's and he loved it so much. One day, Jackie had taken the last popcicle and I was chasing her for it when I saw her jump onto it for safety. I then jumped on with her to get my popcicle. Just as I jumped on, the tree made a cracking sound and it bent over, the hammock falling to the ground. We looked at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. Then she suggested we slip a note under his bedroom door, and drive away for a few hours. So we did. We went to a movie and a little bit of shopping, then headed back. When we got out of the car, JC popped out of a bush, then Kian out of the garage, and Ricky out of the front door. They were all armed with water guns. We took off running to separate sides of the house to the back yard to get in through that door, but by the time we met each other behind the house, we were both soaked. Then she skipped over to me (while being blasted with water) and got on her tippy toes and we kissed while being blasted with water, listening to their gagging sounds. It was like a kiss in the rain, but a million times better.

I pulled myself away from the memory and headed back inside. "Okay, let's get rolling again, I want to get to the hospital by one o'clock." 

"Rolling!" Trevor proclaimed as we all got settled back onto the couch.

"So, the reason for us being home is...that...Jackie was in a car accident a few days ago. She's in intensive care right now and I..we...have to be here for her." I swallowed hard. "We're sorry we have to move some dates around, but I have to be here for her." nobody said anything... "I'm really sorry...don't hate me...please" I mumbled.

Ricky spoke again, "okay, well that's all we really need to say. We'll try to keep you guys updated on Jackie. Make sure to check the link in the description to see if your tour date has changed. Thanks guys and we'll see you later." Sam jumped up and turned the camera off and sighed. 

"Alright I'm leaving in about ten minutes, anyone wanna come?"

JC and Kian both agreed to join me, Ricky said that he would take Trevor and Sam home and then he would pick up Lauren (Jackie's best friend).

Just as I was about to walk out the door, I got a text from Dr. Rob. "She's been awake for a few hours and I think she would enjoy some company. No rush though, we still have some tests to do." We had been texting pretty regularly so I could stay up to date with her and do some work at home. But, she was awake and I had to see her right this moment. I had Kian drive, since he was more reckless than most behind the wheel and could get us there quicker.

She was awake.

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