11. JC to the rescue

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I had fallen asleep with my head on Connor's chest that afternoon. When I woke up later that night, he was gone. I sat up to grab my laptop, when I noticed JC sleeping in a chiar against the far wall. He had his beanie over his face, so I decided to let him sleep even though I could chug an entire gallon of water right now. I start out on twitter. I go straight to Connor's page. "Going to see Jackie now, she's awake and I hear she's doing well :)" that was from this afternoon. His most recent tweet, from about 3 hours ago, read "Just left the hospital, would appreciate prayers for Jackie rather than hate. It kills me to see her upset about that in a time like this."

 I bury my face in my hands. I sure do a good job of making his life more complicated. Then, I hear JC moving, when I look up, I see him quickly moving across the room. He sits on the edge of my bed next to me, "Is everything okay?"

I rub my eyes, "I'm fine, thanks." I look over to see that his beanie had fallen onto the floor. 

Before I could even zone out into my thoughts, he closes my laptop and moves it to the side table. "Do you want to tell me the truth now?" One thing I loved most about JC was that he could read everyone like an open book. Not only that, but he would call you out for lying about how you were. Then, he would try to help you out. Unfortunately, I didn't particularly love that at this moment, but I knew there was no escaping him.

I took in a deep sigh. "I just...I don't know..I feel like I'm making Connor's life a million times more difficult, and not just recently. This whole tour, I've been so clingy and emotional and probably just really annoying. I don't know why he even puts up with me anymore." I felt my eyes watering up at the thought of him leaving me. "I don't deserve him." I stop myself before I talk anymore, trying to keep the tears in my eyes from falling.

JC shook me a little, "You and I both know that's not true." He pulled me closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Connor looks forward to your phone calls. His face lights up when you text him. He loves being there for you, taking care of you, protecting you. Sometimes he thinks he doesn't deserve you. and I know that he-"

"-but" I interrupted, no idea what I wanted to say. I just wanted him to stop. "nevermind."

He moved his shoulder, causing me to sit up and face him...and keep talking. "nothing. I just...the comments and tweets just get to me. I don't tell Connor..but they do and I don't know why it's bothering me so much more right now, but they're right." There was a long silence, my eyes watered up again, "Please don't tell Con...please." I was begging.

JC sighed, "I get it, I do. But, you can't go on like this. We need to figure something out so that you can be happy in your relationship again. I knew something was off with you other than the tour happening." I shook my head in agreement. "Since we've been gone, what do you do all day?"

I was taken aback by this question, it seemed really odd to ask, but I answered anyway. "Um...well..I get up and take Wishbone outside" I nudged him with my elbow in an attempt to lighten the mood, "Then I make breakfast and work on my online classes till lunch, then sometimes I go out with Lauren or Andrea or Jenn and sometimes we go shopping. Then I watch movies and call Connor and go to bed."

JC shook his head, deep in thought. "you forgot some parts." I looked at him puzzled. "you didn't mention that as you eat breakfast, you scroll through twitter. As you do your classwork, you're on facebook. When you watch movies, you're on tumblr, checking all of our hashtags. Then before you go to bed you scroll through twitter some more. right?"

"I suppose that is also true."

"We just need to get you away from social media for a little while. The hate is what you're focusing on and it's taking over your brain. So, I'm going to start by taking this," he picked up my laptop from the side table, "and this" -ugh not my phone!- "and I'm gonna go see if Kian is here yet for his shift.

"Wait, his shift??"

JC stood up and went to pick up his beanie, "yeah, Conor made a schedule so that there's always one of us here with you. He's got a lot to do and meetings to go to and such, so we're taking shifts. We also have to report back to him when our time is up." I just nodded, kind of blown away that he made a schedule for his friends. "He really cares, there's no denying that. Don't doubt what you know is true, Jackie."

Then he picked up his beanie, grabbed my laptop and phone, and closed the door behind him, leaving me alone.

~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry this was kind of just a boring filler chapter. I'm having a little bit of difficulty figuring out where to take the story. Any suggestions are welcome in the comments!

ALSO!!! Ricky Dillon reblogged a text post of mine on tumblr and I got like 400 notes on it and holy cow, it was crazy and I freaked out a bunch! Just wanted to share that with you :)

Oh, and my instagram is almost to 800 followers, so follow me on instagram! @obsessive_teen

okay byyyeeeeee <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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