10. Awake

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Connor's POV

Even though Kian, the reckless driver, was at the wheel, traffic was horrible. The drive to the hospital took what seemed like an eternity.  Before we even got to the hospital, I got a notification saying that the video we had just filmed had been posted. LA traffic was the worst if you had somewhere to be, which I did. The traffic had never bothered me as much as it was in this moment.

Jackie's POV

After being poked and wraped in bandages and poked some more, the doctors and nurses had finally given me a break. With nothing else to do, I grabbed my laptop off of the side table, Connor must have brought it at some point while I was out. I first head to youtube to catch up on what I had missed. I watched all of the O2L videos and with each one, I missed my friends more and more. Then I moved onto other youtubers I watch on a normal basis. In the middle of a video, I got a notification that a new O2L video had been posted. I immediately went to it. It was a 6/6 video titled "Our Tour." The video was about me...about them canceling some of the tour for me. Why would they do that? I mean, I'm kind of glad they are doing that but...at the same time..it sucks.

Once I finished that video and a few more after that, I thought I should tweet that I'm doing alright. "Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I'm okay, well, I'm getting there..but no worries!" As soon as I sent it, I went to my mentions. There were a ton of mentions in the past few minutes. 

"if Jackie dies, I'm single, Connor"  "Connor never should have dated her, she's ruining the tour"  "My chance to meet my future husband is ruined. Thanks a bunch Jackie, I hope you die in that hospital."  "Jackie always ruins my dreams of being with Connor, why didn't she die in the accident?"   "she's probably fine, just wanted Connor back with her instead of with fans. overprotective bitch"

I couldn't read any more tweets, my eyes had filled with tears. I slid my laptop back onto the side table and curled into as much of a ball as I could without it hurting. I put the blankets over my entire body and face and just cried. The entire O2L fandom hated me. Not just Connor's obsessive fangirls like normal...everyone.

Just then, I heard the door open and I held my breath. Please don't poke me with anymore needles, I can't take another poke.

"Jackie?" Connor. I curled up tighter, biting my lip from the pain of moving. "Jackie, are you okay?" He pulled the sheet from my face and sat on the bed next to me. "Jackie, what is it? are you in pain? should I get Dr. Rob?"

I shook my head and sat up, wiping tears from my face. "everyone hates me. I ruined the tour...they hate me."

He pulled me into his chest, "no they don't. they love you, J, just like I love you, except less...because I love you more than anyone ever could."

Although I know he was trying to be sweet, I pulled away from his embrace and layed down, "After you posted the video about the tour, I got a million tweets about me crushing people's dreams and how I should have died in the accident or that I should di-"

"Jackie!" Connor cut me off. He had me scoot over so we could lay on the bed together, his arm behind my neck. "Do you remember when we first started dating?" I shook my head. "When I announced to the world that you were my girlfriend, you gained so many twitter followers." 

He paused and chuckled. "I told you I was getting twitter famous," I reminded him with a slight smile.

"yes you did" He poked my nose and I giggled. "But, soon after you got all the followers, a lot of girls hated you. They sent death threats, they told you you were ugly and not good enough for me. They all thought I should be with them instead of you." He paused to take a deep breath, "and that got to you. You agreed with them. You thought you were just another fangirl and you didn't deserve me. You believed them that you were ugly or dumb or had all these problems that these little girls made up in the hopes that I would break up with you and date them instead."

A tear fell from my eye. "yeah..." was all I could muster to say.

Connor grabbed my hand and held it lightly in his. "This is just like that. They saw an oportunity. You're weak right now and they think it's a good time to attack. But just like that first time they attacked you, it doesn't change anything. I still love YOU. Nothing and no one will ever change that. I would rather lose all of my followers and subscribers than lose you. They will eventually figure out that you and I..we're soulmates. You can't let them get to you, babe. You're...you're perfect, Jackie...we're perfect..together."

I rolled over to put my head on his chest and pulled him as close as possible. I never wanted to let go of him. In that moment, I knew that we were meant to be. I knew that Connor was mine and that wasn't going to change.

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