7. Rest

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Connor's POV

I walked back to the boys in the waiting room. They all stood up and greeted me with a group hug. "How is she?" Kian broke the silence.

I had no idea how to say something truthful and positive, quite honestly, I was terrified. I cleared my throat, "Well, I think she's doing alright. The doctors put her in a coma and she has tubes and wires all over her and little scratches from the glass, I guess." I looked down at my shoes. "She's going to be alright though. The doctors said she would make a full recovery...eventually."

Ricky patted me on the shoulder, "Well hey, that's great news man." He tried to see the best in everything, and he was right. It was good news. "Hey, we should head home so you can get some rest. It's been a long day."

It had been an extremely long day and I was so tired, but leave Jackie here alone? I started to object, but I knew they wouldn't let me stay the night here, they would carry me out if they had to. "Can I go tell her goodnight?" They all just nodded and sat back down.

I went back into her room, she looked the same as she had before. I gently grabbed her hand once again. "I, uh, the guys want me to go home to get some sleep. It's probably best, but I hate leaving you so much, you know that." 


The day after meeting most of O2L at the froyo shop, Lauren and I made our great adventure to the Hollywood sign. I had texted Connor thanks again for the road before we left for the sign. When we pulled up to the end of the road, we noticed another car parked there. We got out of the car and walked the rest of the way to the very top of the hill. At the top, sitting on a big rock, was none other than Connor Franta. He smiled and stood up. He opened his arms wide and turned around, "So! What do you think? Great view, huh?" 

Lauren and I just laughed and looked at each other. "You're ridiculous! But yes, it's gorgeous!" we laughed some more in awe of the sight.

The three of us took pictures of the view and of each other. Selfies and some where one person took a picture of two people or just one. "Lauren, get of picture of Connor and I!" We stood beside each other, his hand slipped around my waist and my hand naturally went to his. *flash* Then, his hand moved quickly to my rib, where he somehow found my ticklish spot. *flash* I started tickling him back *flash* I started to run away to safety *flash* He grabbed me from behind with his arms completely around me and swung me around in circles. *flash flash* He put me down, I took his snapback (hat) *flash* Then I posed like a gangster while Connor pouted in the background. *flash*

We messed around taking pictures like this for probably 3 hours, just talking and taking pictures and goofing around. Once it started getting dark, we decided it was time to go. Lauren pretended to have a phonecall from her mom and went to the car to wait for me. "I guess I should wait until she's done with her mom before I head to  he car..."

"I guess you should!" Connor agreed. "I can honestly say this has been  he most fun I've ever had at this stupid sign"

"Hey! This is not a stupid sign. This sign is a symbol. At least where I'm from, this sign means you've made it. Even if you're not here because you're famous, it means you've made it to paradise. At least that's how I've always seen it."

Connor looked at me with a questioning look on his face, "You're a dreamer, aren't you?"

His question took me aback. "I-I suppose I am...?"

He chuckled, "It's not a bad thing! I think it's a great quality for a great girl." I blushed, "You're blushing!!!" He pointed at me, just making it worse.

I pushed his chest, "you jerk!" I said playfully.

He stepped back to where he was before the push, and then took another step toward me. "Maybe we could do this again sometime, ya know, hang out...but not here again because we've already done this and that might be boring." He was rambling, how adorable! "Unless you want to come here again, then we could do that, whatever you want, really."

I just giggled and looked at the car, "Lauren's probably done on the phone. Text me, Franta." I smiled and then turned to leave. As I was walking away, I turned around and yelled, "If you do that whole 3 day rule before you text me thing, I will not reply!" He gave me a thumbs up and I got into the car.

Half way down the hill, I got a text. From Connor: Did I wait to long? too short? I don't know, but I had a great time and I don't do well with goodbyes..so I don't do the whole 3 day rule thing, so no worries there :P

I then smiled like an idiot and shared everything that I had felt or thought that entire day with Lauren as she freaked out saying that he was into me.


As JC drove me back home, I didn't say much, I was just looking out the window...at the Hollywood sign. It was so much more than a stupid sign. It was the place where Jackie and I realized how great we are together. It meant so much more not only because of what Jackie said she thought about it being a symbol and all, but those memories and---I felt a tap on my shoulder. "What?"

JC glanced at me, then back at the road, "I said, you're thinking about the time you went to the sign with her, aren't you?" 

As soon as I had gotten home that night from the sign, I had told all of the boys about the night I had with the mysterious girl from the froyo shop. It was kind of a girly thing to do, but they were all excited for me and I was beyond ecstatic that I had found someone who I could see myself being in a relationship with. She made me so happy and it was so easy to be with her and talk to her. What I was experiencing, for the first time, was true love. "yeah"

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