2. Missing him

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I dried my tears before checking the text. As I entered my password wrong about 4 times due to my shaking, excited hands, I finally got the phone unlocked. As I waited for my slow phone to load the text, I turned down the radio so that I could focus on Connor. The text read "just woke up :) everything okay?"

Everything was not okay! I missed him terribly and I wasn't sure I could handle being without him for another month. I thought about my responce carefully as I drove down the unfamiliar road. I didn't want him to come home early, but I didn't really want to fly across the country to see him be hugged and kissed by a million girls...but it would be worth it to be in his arms. I replied "I'm fine, just miss you :/  " 

An entire song that I didn't know played before the next text came through. "You aren't really fine, are you?" What can I say? The boy knows me too well. I should have lied or put a smiley face or even a winky face or something. The last thing he needs is to be worrying about me while he's on this tour. I had no idea how to even respond to his text without worrying him. I've screwed up this night for sure. I began typing without knowing what I would say. "I am fine!" ugh, delete. He would know that was a lie. "I had a bad dream.." no...he knows I wouldn't have been asleep before 2:30am which was when I first called him. I deleted that too. 

I decided that honesty was the best option in this situation. I took a deep breath and began typing yet again. "Connor, I miss you. Some nights I just can't handle you not being here. I haven't had a good nights sleep for who knows how long. I'm not dealing with this separation very well and I'm sorry about that" Unfortunately, that message didn't send. As my thumb went to hit send, a thud louder than anything I had ever heard sounded and everything went black. 

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