6. Realization

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(the good stuff is coming, I swear! I like having fan fics that are really different than any other fan fic...sorry?)

*Jackie's POV*

beep...beep...beep...what the...what? 

My eyes wouldn't open and my body felt too weak to move anything at all. It was as if I wasn't in control of my body. I felt something on my hand (which I couldn't move). Then I heard it. "I'm so sorry...I'm sorry.." I tried so desperately to open my eyes, but they didn't move. Was that Connor? Why was he sorry? But most importantly, what was going on? Then, I felt him let go of my hand as he took a few deep breaths.

He cleared his throat and grabbed my hand very gently again, "Jackie?" was that a question? Just talk to me Connor. "The doctors said that you might be able to hear me-" doctors? what's wrong? "-and I don't know if that's true or not, but I feel like I have to talk to you. I don't really know what to say..other than..I love you, Jackie" I love you too, Connor! 

I had never been so angry at my body for not doing what I wanted it to do. I so badly wanted to open my eyes and hug him. He chuckled, "I remember the first time I saw you, ha, you were adorable."

FLASHBACK...from Jackie's POV

Today was the day. Lauren and I would meet the boys of O2L. I could feel it. As a senior trip sort of deal, we rented an apartment in Los Angeles, California for the summer before we began college together there. It seemed bizarre to do, but we wanted to get to know the area before we started school across the country from little ol' Ohio. The biggest perk of LA, of course, was the chance of running into the O2L boys at any time.

Like proper fangirls (cameras in purses) we headed downtown. We spent all day roaming the streets and going into bizarre little shops. When we finally gave up hope, we headed to the famous froyo place Kian seems to have an addiction for. As Lauren was ordering, we noticed it. Our lives would change in the next few minutes. In walked JC, Connor, Kian, and Ricky. All four of them from the O2L house, together, in the same room. I calmly went to the bathroom to gain control of my emotions while Lauren finished ordering. 

Once I pulled myself together, I walked back out and went to order. Just as I had hoped, the boys were in line and I was right behind them in line! So of course, I listened to every word they said (in a noncrepy way...) Then I heard the perfect opportunity to jump into the conversation. 

Kian was telling Connor about a "secret" road to get to the back of the Hollywood sign and get the perfect view of the city. I cleared my throat, "Excuse me, I accidentally overheard you talking about a back road to the Hollywood sign?"

They all faced me...holy crap. "um, yeah.." Kian replied.

"Well, um, do you happen to know the name of it? My friend and I just moved here and we've been trying to figure out how to get to the sign." I tried to sound normal and happy and bubbly

Kian looked around at the boys, "I have no idea what it's called, I just know where it is."

"Okie dokie, I was just curious! We have a free day tomorrow and we weren't sure what to do, I was hoping to surprise her."

Connor joined into the conversation as Kian ordered his froyo, "Well, I'm sure we could look it up, right Kian? A-a-as a bit of a 'welcome to our city' gift to you!" I smiled so widely...then tried to hide my fangirl...attempt failed. The boys had finished ordering, then I ordered and went to sit with Lauren. We quietly fangirled and tried to snap some pictures of them from afar. Of course, I finished my froyo way before Lauren, so I went to throw away my bowl (in the trash can that I had to walk past the boys to get to).

As I headed back to the table, I felt someone touch my shoulder from behind me. I turned around to see Kian. "Hey, so I'm trying to find the road on my phone for you, but it's taking a while."

"Oh! That's so sweet of you, thank you" I said with a cute smile. How was I containing my fangirl so well? "Well, I'll be over there with my friend Lauren while she finishes, so you've got some time"

Connor looked up then, "I'm sorry, what was your name?"

"Jackie" I said with a giggle, "and if it's not too much to ask, Lauren is a big fan of O2L and she's been freaking out this whole time. Maybe when you find the road name, you can come let me know and take some pictures with her? It would make her so happy, you have no idea!" yeah, that seemed nonchalant...

"No problem!" said Connor quickly. "Wait, she's a big fan...are you?"

How do I anwer without fangirling or sounding like a dick? "I am, but I don't really NEED a picture to remember this experience. I'll see ya when you find that road." Then I walked away. Well played, if I do say so myself.

Right as I was finishing the retelling of every detail of that conversation to Lauren, the boys all pulled up chairs to our table. "So!" says JC, "Pictures first or last? Your choice, Lauren." Her eyes got so wide as she looked to me to help.

"Last." I decided, "ya find the road, Kian?"

"Yeah, do you want to put it into your phone?"

"Sounds good!" I pulled out my phone, only to find it dead. PANIC. "funny story, my phone is dead and Lauren forgot hers."

"Bummer!" Kian bursted out.

Connor snapped his fingers, "I've got it! I'll text it to you and you'll have the road and stuff when you charge your phone. I'm a genius!" I let him think he was the genius...Lauren didn't forget her phone, I just wanted his number, silly boys!

I put my number in Connor Franta's phone and he texted me. Then we took some pictures and went our separate ways. It was the most perfect night ever!


"You tried to act like you didn't care about who we were, but your cheeks were as red as...well..you get the point." He took a few deep breaths, "That's the night I knew you were special. I knew you weren't just a fan or a person who wanted to see the Hollywood sign, you were different." He let go of my hand and I heard the door open and close.

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