8. The Tour

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All of the boys had stayed the night at the O2L house that night, crashing on the couch and floor..wherever. The next morning, Kian woke up everone except for Connor, who was asleep in his room. They had a video confrence with their management team to discuss what to do about the tour over the next few weeks.

Connor's POV

I woke up to a very quiet house. I jumped in the shower and got ready as quickly as possible. I wanted to be there the second Jackie woke up. They said she would probably be awake in the next few days. Once I was ready, I headed downstairs to see everyone there and awake, eating cereal. "hey" I made a bowl for myself and joined them. They broke the news that we needed to make decisions about the tour. I could stay home and the other 5 could return to the tour, or we could cancel and reschedule the shows for later. They all wanted me to decide. We all talked it out though, and decided to cancel because it was all of us or none of us. Once that was decided, I took off to the hospital with Trevor and Sam. The others were going to meet up there later. It was a pretty quiet drive with those two. None of us knew what to say.

"So she's supposed to wake up soon?" Trevor asked in a scared yet hopeful voice. Little Trev was always the perky happy one and it was really strange to hear him like that, so I just nodded and kept driving. 

A few hours later, Ricky and JC showed up with a bunch of flowers and balloons and cards to put in Jackie's room. Then, Kian and Lauren showed up with some flowers too. I spent more time in the waiting room that day than in her room. It was so much easier to be with everyone instead of in her room. In there, I was helpless and so was she. All I could do was look at Jackie's broken, fragile body.

The doctors came out to update us on how she was doing every few hours and not much had changed, or at least I didn't think so. I couldn't understand half of what they were saying. As the doctor was talking to us for the last time that night, I drifted to my own world. I couldn't help but think about how disappointed our fans would be. They have been waiting to meet us for the past few months just to find out they would have to wait longer. Plus, our fans! shit! The doctor had just left when I spun around to face the guys as they were sitting back down, "What day is it?" I asked panicing.

"Thursday." JC said, "I already uploaded my video, I filmed it when we got back last night." It was like he was reading my mind.

Then I looked to Trevor and before I could open my mouth, he spat out, "My mom's picking me up here soon and I'm going to film and edit tomorrow. It's okay, Con"

"Thank you." I said with a sigh of relief. I really meant it. I couldn't get through this alone. "um...we should think of a topic for next week, I can film tomorrow and then edit later. I'll spread it out so I can spend more time here." Then, we were done talking and we gathered our things and headed home for the night.

Once we got home, it was just Ricky, Kian, JC and I. Kian must have bought ice cream earlier while I was at the hospital. We each got a pint and sat on the couch together and put in a movie that none of us watched. 

"So." JC began, "We decided that we should do a group video exaplaining why some tour dates are cancelled. We can be as descriptive or vague as you want"

"Yeah, I think that sounds good, they'll want to know."

"We also were thinking that for the videos this week, we could all just make a little montage of the tour so far of all the vlogging we've done." Ricky suggested

We all agreed on those things and went back to eating our ice cream. That was, until JC let out a little laugh. When we all looked at him confused, he said "Sorry, I was just thinking about the first time Jackie was in one of my videos." he began laughing again and we all started laughing to ourselfves as the memory hit us.


"okay, the next question for this 'ask JC' is...'What are all the guys doing right now?' Well, let's go see!" I grab my camera and head upstairs. I bust into Kian's room to find him on his computer. "Kian in his natural habitat."

"Booshka Booshka" He says in that odd voice, then lunges toward me into a hug.

"Okay, that's enough of Kian!" I push him away from me and head out the door.

"I love you, JC!" he yells as I close his door.

I spin the camera around to face me, "Now for Ricky." I open his door to see him playing pokemon and listening to music. "HEEEEY! Say hello to my people!"

He takes a moment before looking up from his game, "hello to JC's people!" Then he waves and flashes a big smile.

I laugh and face the camera to me again, "Now for Connor!" I run out of the room and down the hallway. I open the door to see Connor and Jackie cuddled up in the bed and watching a movie. 

"Hey J..wait, are you...are you filming?!" 

"Indeed, I am, Connor! Say hello!" He looked to face Jackie, "oh, snap! you could also introduce your friend..."

Connor turns to face her, completely speachless. She turns to me and waves to the camera, "Hi everyone!" Then she giggles and buries her face in Connor's chest and he starts laughing too.

The next part of the video changed from an 'ask JC' to a 'who is this random girl in Connor's room?' We could have just cut out the part of my video with them, but  they decided it was time to let the world know who Jackie was. 

All three of us sat on the couch and Connor started, "Hey, what's up O2L! It's Connor, and I've invaded JC's video to introduce someone to you beautiful people."

Jackie waved to the camera, "Yo! My name is Jackie and sometimes I pretend to be a gangster and I say strange things like yo...I'm so sorry! I'm being so awkward!"

Connor turned to face her and said, "it's okay, we can edit it to make you seem sort of normal." He then got punched in the arm.

Then, Connor and I shot her rapid fire questions that we knew all of the girls who "loved" Connor would want to know. 


"uh..um..crap! I know this! um...18!"


"ahhhh...I can't handle the pressure! June 3rd!"

"Um.." Connor hesitated, "That would make you 19...It's July."

"...well damn. Just when I got used to being 18....I'M NINETEEN!"

By this point we were all in a fit of laughter with no signs of it stopping. We eventually finished our random rapid fire questions and stopped laughing long enough to do an outro. "Okay, you know my outro?" I asked her, she nodded excitedly and laughed.

"Like and Subscribe and all that fun stuff. Leave anymore rapid fire questions you have for Connor and Jackie in the comments and I'll annoy them with them all week!" yep, death glare from Connor and a giggle and smile from Jackie, just as I expected. "Okay, well I will see all you beautiful people next thursday...."

I gave a head nod and Jackie and I yelled "Peace!" and jumped to cover the camera lense as Connor stayed grumpy with his arms folded sitting on the couch.

He immediately smiled and hugged Jackie, "Look at you! Your first youtube video appearance! and it wasn't even on my channel...speaking of which, hold on a sec" It was then that I saw the look in his eyes. I took off running, knowing he would soon be chasing me.

I ran around the house and outside as I chanted "I told the world before yoooouuu!" and he would yell back that I was going to pay for it. I guess I sort of did because when I got to the back yard, He and I were at a standoff, waiting for the other to attack. Then, from behind, Jackie pushed me into the pool. I come out of the water to see Jackie jump on Connor's back (piggyback style)  and throw her arms into the air as they both yelled "Victory!" and ran inside before I could even pull myself out of the pool.

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