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The next day, Amy decided to Skype Frank again. It had been quite some time since the last session had been interrupted. But this time, she decided she’d call her cousins and make them meet the much gossiped about boyfriend.

“Jeh?” She quietly entered his room. He was playing a game against Zahaan on his laptop. “I want you to meet someone.”


“Frank.” The name brought a grimace to Jehan’s face.

“Hey, he’s my boyfriend okay! Forget what happened the last time.”

“I’ve already ‘met’ him.” Jeh groaned.

“Go away and let us play!” Zahaan said as his character died.

“Too bad. Because you’re going to have to meet him again. And I want all of you guys to meet him.”

That made Zahaan look up. “Are you serious about him?”

“Well I’m Skyping him from 5000 miles away because I’m serious about him, I guess.”

“I’m coming.” Zahaan got up and shut down the game, much to Jehan’s chagrin.

“Call the others in my room, will you? I’ll set up the camera and all that.”

After returning to her room, Amy powered up the laptop and started the application. By that time, Farrah, Zahaan and Jehan had come into the room. Karen was out, so she was missing. Together, they huddled around the camera screen as Amy connected the call. Suddenly, a shirtless Frank came onto the screen.

“Hey babe! What’s up? Didn’t expect you to call so fast.” He said sarcastically.

“Stop complaining already, I didn’t have the time to call!”

“No time for your boyfriend?” Cue Frank’s sad face.

Amy rolled her eyes. “Nope, family first.” She smirked.

“That’s my sister!” Zahaan thumped her back.

“Hey who’s there with you?”

“Frank, I want you to meet some people.”

“Is he shirtless?” Farrah peeked out from behind Amy. “Is he shirtless? Why is he shirtless on a video call with you Ames?

Frank started laughing on the other side of the camera.

“Fa, he’s just shirtless. He doesn’t have AIDS.” Zahaan admonished her. “Wait. You don’t have AIDS, right, Frank?”

That just made Frank laugh louder.

“Oh god, please say no.” Jehan spoke for the first time.

“Hello to you too Jehan! And no, I don’t have AIDS. Or any other STD for that matter.” Frank was still grinning.

“With that, Frank, I present to you my extremely awkward cousins.” Amy facepalmed.

“I like them! They’re cooler than even you.” He smiled.

HA! See, we keep saying that.” Zahaan grinned. “Hey I’m Zahaan. And this is Farrah.” He introduced himself and Farrah to Frank.

“Pleasure.” Frank grinned.

“That’s what you were getting some time back, baby!” A voice called from somewhere behind Frank. A female voice. Amy froze, as the girl spoke again. “You want some more of that pleasure, babe?”

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