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“You’re going to get us killed.” Jehan visibly shuddered.

They were in Jagga’s house.

Who’s Jagga, you may ask?

Jagga was a boy who had four tattoos, a sleek black bike (Amy had seen it when they entered), a pocket knife, and a gang of ‘friends’ who pulled ‘mild pranks’ on people.

Basically, he was a scary guy.

Oh, and also, he was Zahaan’s friend.

“How on Earth do you have such friends?” Amy looked around Jagga’s house in wonder. He had a pistol put up in one corner. Amy wondered if it actually had shot something. Or worse, someone.

Just then, Jagga entered.

Holy….. Amy’s inner fangirl instantly perked up, put on her hottest clothes, picked up pom poms, and started dancing wildly.

That was understandable, because Jagga was an absolute heartbreaker.

If Amy wasn’t that level headed, she’d have immediately fainted, hoping he’d pick her up like in a romantic movie.

Oh my god, that’s actually a good idea. Faint Amy, FAINT! , The Inner Fangirl said.

Shut up. He’s just supposed to help. Picture Eric smiling at you, think about that one dimple he gets. That should help forget about Jagga, Amy told the IF (which was the abbreviation for Inner Fangirl).

But what if Jagga smiles at us? I think he’d surpass Eric by light years if he smiled.

Then we better hope he doesn’t smile at us. And with that, Amy ignored the IF.

“Zahaan, mera bhai (my brother!)” Jagga came out and pulled Zahaan in for a man hug.

Kaisa hain tu? (How are you?)”

Ekdum mast! (Very good). I heard about your father. How you guys doing, man?”

“We’re managing…” Zahaan immediately got uncomfortable talking about his feelings to someone out of the family.

“You tell me if you need anything, okay?” Jagga patted his back.

“Actually, we do. Jags, meet my sister.”

It was then that Jagga’s eyes strayed behind Zahaan and onto Jehan and Amy.

“Both of them are your sisters?” Jagga laughed, looking at Jehan’s mildly terrified expression.

“Oi, that’s Jehan, he’s my brother. No ragging my family, okay?” Zahaan elbowed Jagga, who laughed.

“She’s really your sister? Where you been hiding her so long? Why isn’t there a queue for her outside your house?” Jagga laughed and stretched out a hand to Amy.

She hesitantly shook his hand.

“Amy. I haven’t been around much.” She gave him a small smile, which he tripled in magnitude and then mirrored.

See? I TOLD YOU IT WOULD HAPPEN! The IF got up, retrieved her pom poms and started dancing again.

“Call me Jagga. And no wonder. No one would forget you if you had.” He winked. Again, Jehan visibly shuddered.

“And no flirting with my family.” Zahaan smirked.

“I agreed to that rule before I knew she’s family!” He protested. “Anyway, what’s bothering you?” He turned back to Amy.

Sugar and Spice And Everything NiceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ