You Have My Permission To Marry

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Amy’s room had been invaded, and the invaders were none other than her cousins.

“It’s family evening today!” Karen exclaimed happily. They’d set out some days when Amy would spend time with them, and today was one of those days, she remembered.

“Guys, get out.” Amy said bluntly. “I’m really, really tired.”

We’re tired! We’re tired of not spending time with you!” Farrah complained.

“You know what’s going on right now, right?”

“Yeah, yeah. The bakery’s shut, the guys are on strike, Saras is sleeping in the living room, boo hoo.” Jehan mimicked. Amy glared at him.

“We have a guest, actually. And since it’s family evening, all of you are coming down to meet him.”

“Is it that hot guy Jehan told us you met?” Karen brightened up.

“Which hot guy?” Amy looked from Jehan to Karen, narrowing her eyes. “What have you told them, Jeh?”

“How many hot guys have you met recently? Oh my god, was there more than one? Can I meet them?!” Karen squealed.

“She’s talking about Jagga.” Jehan sighed.

“Wait, how do you know Jagga’s hot?”

“Are you confirming that he you find him hot?” Jehan narrowed his eyes at her.

“I knew it! From Jehan’s description, I just knew he’s hot.”

“You seem to have quite an experience with boys.” Amy raised an eyebrow and stifled a laugh as Karen blushed.

“Tell me about it. I don’t even know how they tolerate such dumbness.” Farrah rolled her eyes.

“You’re just jealous because I’m the hotter one.” Karen flipped her hair.

“You’re just saying that to hide the fact that you’re jealous because I’m the smarter one.” Farrah glared.

“Yeah I- No wait, what?” Karen got confused.

“See what I mean? Long sentences always win an argument with Karry.” Farah smirked.

“Okay guys, whatever. Honestly, there’s a guest. And he’s not Jagga.”

“Is he the other hot guy?” Karen perked up.

Amy blushed. She knew Silloo would be posing some embarrassing questions at dinner, and she didn’t want her cousins armed with too much knowledge about Eric. Together, because of their protectiveness, they’d gang up on any boy Amy had taken a fancy to, she knew that.

“Why don’t you come down for dinner and find out for yourself?” Amy winked.

“So, Eric, what do you do?”

“I’m interning at The Times Of India. I’ll finish my degree this year, then get a job.”

“What will you work as?”

“A photojournalist, hopefully.” He smiled.

“What about your family?”

That question seemed to make Eric hesitant. Amy wondered how they had never discussed Eric’s family before.

“I have a dad, and an elder brother.”

“Your Mom?”

Aunty!” Amy scolded, sensing Eric’s discomfort.

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