That's What Family Does

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Prito’s was a shack. It was nothing special, but the minute she saw it, Amy fell in love with it. Because Prito’s happened to be on the edge of a cliff, one hour away from the main city. Which meant that you could see the entire city from there. Amy looked out at the streetlights that illuminated Mumbai as she nursed a cup of hot chocolate between her hands.

Zahaan smirked as he sat down and saw Amy’s wonder. “Does open your mind up a lot more, right?”

“Yeah.” She smiled.

“So spill. You’re worried about the bakery, aren’t you?”

Amy wasn’t surprised he could read her so easily. “Yeah.”

“You’ve got to let it go. There’s nothing you can do about it.” He said bluntly.

“It can’t just be given away. It’s a family thing! Why doesn’t anyone get this?!”

“It reminds you of Grandpa, doesn’t it? That’s why you won’t give it up.” Jehan silently observed. Startled, they stared at him. “What? It does, you just won’t admit it because it’s selfish.”

“Oh my God, that’s actually true!” Zahaan noticed her face and realized. “Well if that’s the case just sit there yourself.”

Amy looked at him, scrutinizing, seeing if he was just joking. She concluded he wasn’t. And only then did she actually give it thought. Could she give up all she had, not go back to New York and actually sit at the bakery, running it, taking care of it, every day for the rest of her life?

“Don’t be ridiculous, Za. She has her whole world in New York. She still has a graduation to attend!” Jehan said. “Ames? You’re not actually considering this, are you?”

“Actually, I am.”

“Are you mad?! It won’t work. You’ll have to sit there taking care of everything, day in and day out, for the rest of your life!”

“It’s worth giving it a shot.”

“I could kill you for putting the thought in her head.” He glared at Zahaan.

“I meant what I said. If it means so much to you, you’d stay.”

“I’m thinking.”

Za and Jeh stayed silent as she thought.

After almost an hour of silently staring out at the city and contemplating, Amy was set.

“I’ll do it.”

The other two looked at her, surprised at the sudden break in the silence.

“Are you sure?” Jehan looked doubtful.

“We’ll help you.” Zahaan said. Then he looked at Jehan. “We will, right?”

Jehan hesitated. Then finally, he said, “Yeah. I don’t doubt you can do it. I’m just worried this is a brash decision, and you may regret it later on.”

“If I do, I’ll go back.”

“Amy, there will be no going back.”

That’s when she understood what he meant. And the fact that he was right. She remained silent.

“You didn’t answer my question, though.” Zahaan stared at Jeh.

Jeh took a deep breath. “Yeah we’ll help you. That’s what family does.”

That made Amy smile more genuinely than she had the entire week.

Filler chapter. Sorry I took longer than usual, I'm suffering a little writer's block with this story!

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