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(This is my first fanfic after 5-6 years, it might be don't have a good storyline, but it would be great if you could drop some reviews so I could do it better next time. 
I don't really quite know about the villains, since I'm into more to the superhero's daily life. 

The timeline would be Young Justice, before Zatara joining them and Teen Titans daily life. Writing this stuff so it could get out from my imagining brain) 

Young Justice

This is bad, Batman thought it's an easy mission that the kids could handle, but he didn't realized​, the supervillains has another surprised. Batman order the Young Justice to investigate Brain, as he is suspicious from the precious metal stealing case. Batman set up the team to shut down whatever activities the villain does. 

Somewhere, surrounded by the forest and only a small 1 storey building at the center of it.


The young heroes crashed into the old building after they had an orders from Batman to stop the evil plan of the villain, Brain. Aqualad get down, walks on top of the fallen debris, coolly, under the light of the moon. Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis stood up behind Aqualad after coolly landing from the hole they made.

Brain's lab, surrounded with a big screens and machines. There's a big white cloth covering a big machine in front of them. Brain turns to the young heroes.

"Freeze, Brain. Stop whatever you do and this could be less painful" Aqualad held up his twin hilts against the villain. Kid Flash chuckles from the Aqualad's words.

"Yeahh, brain freeze- pffttttt aoww" Artemis nudge his gut , "What? It's funny. Brain and freeze, brain freeze- aoww" Artemis scoff and nudge him again, "Shut up, this is not the time!"

There's a slight giggles in Brain's communication speaker, "I see that you've come in the right time to see my awesome creation" one of the button flashed on the computer, near the big screen. The cloth that was covering the big machine, slides down and reveal a ring machine and tubes around it.

A gasped came from the team, "I don't think Batman could find anyone that could fit the ring on their finger " Robin criticized.

"Isn't this nice? You turned up just when I need a specimen to turn this machine on" Brain turns his machine head a bit to the heroes's side, "Do it-"

"I don't know what you're going to do with this, but we would shut it down for s-"someone cut off Aqualad's words, "As you wish, HAAAAA!!"

Miss Martian turns around and see a figure from the dark, swinging his sword towards Artemis, "Artemis look out!!" the moment Artemis looks her back, the sword almost reach her before a birdarang flew and hit the sword, making the sword bounce back. Artemis step backward and she target her arrow towards the figure. The figure slash the arrow before going forward the Artemis, the arrow that has been sliced KABOOOMED behind it. Miss Martian float a debris and flew it to the figure. The figure slice some of it and dodge the others, skillfully. Superboy dashing towards from the floating Miss M to the figure, the figure dodge him, giving him a hard kick on his chin and a punch to his face, makes him fall backwards. Robin come from the above with his stick trying to hit the figure, but it didn't work, the figure grab the stick and throw him to Kid Flash that was running towards him.

Aqualad moves toward Brain, "You guys handle that, I'll be joining you shortly" he runs towards him before he got hit by an invisible wall, "What the?" Brain slides towards the computer behind him and begin tapping the buttons with his pole machines, coming out from him. "Uhhhh arrrghhhhh!!" Aqualad burst out electricity from his hilts to the invisible, glass wall in front of him but no scratches. It must be a customized glass that the villain has created to hold the heroes down.He turns around for his teammates, but he got Kid Flash thrown to him by surprised.

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