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Mount Justice

Batman 02

Batman walks into the Mission Room, with an angry face under his cowl, "What. Just. Happened?" He freeze when he saw Wonder Woman trying to free an unconscious Mgann from the X tape and the wall that they had to lasered.

Batman looks to the other side, he saw Superman trying to release Connor from the sticky goo and the floor that Superman lasered and took back to the Cave. Barry and Artemis is trying to snip a red tape restraint from Wally's legs. Kaldur is helping Robin with the X tape on his mouth. Kaldur take out his water bearers and trying to use the water to take the tape out.

All the attempts are useless.

Robin runs to Batman and waves his hands around with his mouth huffing, "HMPHH HMMMPPP HMHHH!!! HMM MHHH MHHHMM!!" Batman just staring down at him before Robin let out a groan.

Batman walks to Superboy, "It seems that the substance that the boy has been using are something that is unusual. Flash, analyst​ this chemical, but dont touch it."

Flash runs to somewhere else before he runs back to Superboy with some chemical tool kits and analyst the sticky goo, "It would take a couple of minutes"

Robin walks to Kid Flash with a crossing arms, Kid Flash looks down to his legs, "Mannnn, so not cool." "Hmphhh mhhuum mhhh" Kid Flash looks up to Robin and chuckles, "At least someone finally got his mouth shut." Robin gives a glares.

"This chemical substances are something that we shouldn't have it." Flash staring at the screen that come along with his chemistry kit.

Batman stares at the complex chemical screen, "Explain."

Flash looks back to Batman with a serious voice, "Unstable chemical, Xenothium." He looks back at the screen, "The one who trying to stabilise this chemical is crazy. And even do something like weapons here. It's beyond crazy."

"Can you reverse the compound? At least free them" Batman points to the team.

"Yes I can but only to dissolve whatever sticky things on them, but it need some time. But no more than a day. " Flash typing something on the screen, trying to complete the reverse chemical chains for Xenothium.

"Do it. Xenothium is the most unstable chemical in Earth, we did keep it in the safest vault in Earth, but not anymore." Batman turns back to the Zeta Tube.

"Hmphh mhh hmm?!" Robin asked. Batman just turn his head back, knowing what Robin asked for, 'What do you mean?!' he said.

"One of the safest vault to keep one of the Xenothium substance has been broke down 2 days ago, by Deathstroke. Unfortunately, he took one of the biggest portion of this world's only Xenothium. I'm going to continue tracking him."Said Batman as he walks towards the Zeta Tube. He stop and looks back again.

"Send me the mission report tomorrow morning and I'll brief the result" he glares at the team.

Batman 02

"Does Xenothium really that bad?" Superman asked, while walking to Flash.

"Indeed. We still don't know the potential of the chemical. It's unstable. It might cause an explosion and the earth would be left with crumbles and black hole" Flash close his screen and stand up.

"I'm going back to my lab and find a cure for our messy situation." He smiles to Superman, "be back in a flassshhh" and wooosssshhh away.

"Soooooo, what are we gonna do now?" Asked Kid Flash.

"We should take a rest and sleep, it's getting late now." Kaldur suggest.

Artemis giggles, "That's seems a good idea. For once, there wont be a noisy people disturbing us" she stares at Kid Flash and Robin.

"Haha so funny" both of them just stares at Artemis who walks away to her room, "Well then, good night."

"Uhh...what happened..?" M'gann groaned, she wakes up. She had herself lay down on the cutted wall with the tape. Wonder Woman tell her about what happened and asked if she's okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But my head's hurt.." M'gann makes herself invisible and let herself go through the tape. Wonder Woman hold her from falling , "Red X.. I went to his mind, but there was a strong force push me away"

Wonder Woman rubs her back and saying its okay and she should take a rest at her room. She looks around to see her trapped friends. "Wait- I should help them."

"Megan wait!" KF raise his voice. "This is Xenothium. We dont know what is going to do if you use your power on us. You could do it to yourself by copying the material, but with us here.. it's hard to say. You might end the earth"

M'gann looks down, "I'm sorry. I didnt mean to." Wonder Woman hold her shoulder, "It's fine. Go take a rest"

M'gann walks away right after he see Conner, "Will you be able to sleep?"

"It's like a sleeping pod. Only that it feels wide" said Connor on the sticky glue and the lasered floor before he gives a goodnight greets. Superman just raise his brow to the clone that sleeping so quick.

"At least give me a blanket." Kid Flash stand up and hops to entrance connected to the living room, before he stumbled and falls on the floor. Black Canary walks in with Green Arrow with pillows and blankets.

"It's not comfortable right now. But we need you to stay here for tonight." Black Canary helps Kid Flash up with her empty left hand. "Kaldur, you can go to your room, you didn't have any weird chemical on you right?"

"It's fine. Im going to stay with them, I'm their leader." Black Canary smiles before she hands him on of the blanket. She put Kid Flash slowly on the floor and she gives him a blanket like Kaldur. Green Arrow pass pillows to the member that didnt get tied on their whole body.

Robin turns around and open his hologram visual on his glove, he is trying to find a lead for the criminal they fought earlier. Green Arrow hands Robin a pillow, Robin raised his hand, rejecting it. He type something and show it to GA, [ It's fine. I'm not going to sleep anyway ]

Black Canary wrap a blanket around Robin, that tooks him in surprised , "Rest, Robin. You need it. You can't drink or eat with the tape there, don't dehydrate yourself." Black Canary hold Robin's shoulder. It calm him down. Her voice soothing him, like a mom. He turn off his hologlove and took a pillow from GA and close his eyes.

The JLA members look at each other before walking out from the Mission Room. Wonderwoman talks to Black Canary and Green Arrow, "Do you think Barry will succeed?" Green Arrow frowns, "Just hope for it". Superman turns to look at The Team, he stares at Superboy, "It'll be fine."


Short plot, hoping that people would read this =u=

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