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1 week later

Mount Justice

The young team is sitting on the couch, Superboy watching TV, Artemis is cleaning her bow, Wally is munching chips while Kaldur is chatting with Megan that is stirring dough in a bowl. All of them wearing civilian outfit as no mission has been given for the past few days.

The Zeta Tube glows,

Recognize Robin B01

"Hey guys" Robin waves his hand to the group. Wally turns his head around to see his pal.

"Dude, why are taking you so long to recover? I'm bored here." Say Wally before he shove more chips into his mouth.

Robin raised his eyebrow, like duhh, it's obvious, "It's because I'm a normal human being that doesn't have any superpowers?"

"Well yeah right" Wally chuckles, the boy wonder getting hurt in a mission is normal. Even for Wally, who being his best pal, how many times has it been for the speedster to almost having a heart attack due to almost-dead-pal that hurt from every missions in Gotham.

Kaldur hold Robin's shoulder, both wearing a normal outfit, only that Robin still having his shades on ,"How are you, my friend?" Ask Kaldur, as he is concerned with the injury Robin got from the last mission.

"It's nothing, this is a small thing rather than what I experienced from Gotham's villains. I supposed to come here 2 days ago, but Batman grounded me as he said I need more time for the healing"

Artemis who still cleaning her bow makes a point to the youngest member, "You guys do realized he is 13 years old right? Having kid wounded since they are young won't give a nice experience in their life"

Robin growls, "Hey , I'm not a kid!"

"Yeah, he is not a kid. I mean, how many kids out there that Batman choose to be his sidekick-" Wally said before his word cutted.

"His partner!" Robin makes his point clear.

"His partner yes. And he got lots of skills and experience more than us." Wally finish his words with shaking an empty chip bag, "Oh crap, I'm out of chips"

"But Robin, you lose experience that you should had as a normal kid. I mean, not that I know what normal experience is in earth. Hello Megan, you aren't earthling" Megan hit her own head lightly while the other hand is holding a tray of cookie dough.

Superboy turns his head and rest his arm on the couch armrest, "Does it bad?"

All of the team turns their head to Robin.

"Look, we are superheroes aren't we? How many of us have a normal life experience to begin with?" Robin state his points before all of them looking down, "Besides, we're having fun too. Bats are pretty okay during our day life"

The team started to smiles again.

Batman 02
Black Canary 13

Batman walks faster towards the team, with Black Canary on his side. The young members stop whatever they do and gathered in front of Batman when Black Canary ordered them to. Batman looks tensed.

I have a mission and reports for you. Batman click something from his wrist and a hologram keyboard pops out in front of him. He taps on it and a few floating images and words appeared.

"5 days ago, a manmade island located hundred miles from the Grandie* city has exploded and sink. It causing a small tsunami and we had their government to evacuated their people, no injuries or dead people reported."

Robin pop his own hologram keyboard out and start tapping on it, "The manmade island was made by Sir Windur Lawrence during 1992 to save an exotic flora that is under population crisis. But he died 5 years ago, and no one has taken their right for the island"

Batman nodded, "We've investigated the cause and we found this under the sea" Batman pops a few hologram images, that looks like a broken big ring, and a few machines has been taken out in pieces.

The young members gasped, "That looks like the one that Brain and Deathstroke had" Kaldur points to the broken ring image.

Batman zoomed in near the broken ring, that have an image of a machine that been splitted into two, "Is that what I think it is?" Megan asked.

"It's Brain" Robin squinted his eyes behind the domino mask.

"He's dead?" Superboy asked.

"Aqualad confirmed that... Fishes ate whatever flesh pieces left from the container. " Batman replied.

Wally hold his mouth, feeling sick, "Uhh.. I won't eat fish anymore" Artemis slap his back, "Cut it out, Baywatch"

"So, we're going to investigate this sir?" Asked Aqualad. "No, you'll deal with this" Batman taps his fingers on the hologram keyboard and pops another different images , recorded in CCTV of a person in a black and orange suit.

Robin squint his eyes towards the image, "This looks like.... Deathstroke, but it looks...different?"

"Height around 5'8" . Looking at his suit, we could suspect him as Deathstroke's new partner." Say Black Canary as she points to the suit.

"He's taller by a few inches from me? Deathstroke took a kid to be his partner?" Robin raise his eyebrow.

"You're that short, Robin? I thought you might reach 6' " Wally chuckles before Robin gives him a bat glares that silence the speedster.

"He got a 'R' on his chest too" Artemis points.

"So, what did he do?" Superboy asked.

Black Canary points to the images , "He murdered 10 people in these 5 days. All of them are listed as a big successor in their field and some of them are a big benefactor of the Wayne's Enterprise. The cause of death included -" images of the lying corpses popped out, "stabbed, blood loss, broken bones, and others"

They look at the images with a widen eyes at first before it turns emotionless as they've looked at corpses so many times before. "That's horrible" Megan close her eyes to gives her respect for the death people before she open it again.

"It's impossible that a kid could murder this people , Sir. He might be around 12- 15, like Robin. " Aqualad give out his concern words.

"As much as I hope it's impossible, it's the truth. The CCTV caught his sight, but most of the CCTVs were blacked out after that and hacked so that no one could retrieve the videos. I do my best to debug the code and only got this, but as for the rest, it's gone" Batman play a short 5 secs video of the mystery boy killing a person and another 3 secs video of another scene where he ran away.

"As for your mission." Another image popped out. A blond male's face were shown in the holographic screen , "This is Johnson Lewis. He'll be coming at Gotham tonight as a Bruce Wayne's party guest. He's also one of the biggest benefactor in the company. As for why the others are killed, we still dont have the clue for it, yet. I need all of you to protect him for the night and secure everyone at the party as in case it got disturbed."

The young team processing the male's face.

"That's all for your mission. Roger that?"

"Yes sir!" They replied all together before Batman and Black Canary go out from the cave and the Zeta Tube recognize their departure.

"I thought Bruce Wayne already held a party last week?" Artemis put her finger on her chin, digging for her memory.

"Once in a week at least" Robin laughs.

How's it? I make it no one knew about Robin's identity including Wally. And the Batfam will be there in the next chapter~

*Grandie City : A city that I made for this story XD

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