He's Here

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A swaying image curls up at the center of the ring. The blood from the tube been swallowed little by little til it empty.

"It's a success! I successfully grab another creature from another world, with this help of DNA, I could summoned any of persona linked to this boy, from another universes..or should I say, Parallel Worlds"

The supervillain proudly elaborate it to the super assassin by his side, Deathstroke. Brain push a button on the control panel before the air around them turning tense. Dust and paper flown around and got attracted to a small hole at the center of the ring.

Brain raises a few button above before he push a green button. The Ring Machine shaking so loudly before it explode a white light, temporarily blinding the two villains.

Right after that, a teen with a spiky raven hair appeared. He looks so much like the Robin they knew, only that this guy have a spiky hair, and his costume design are simpler than the boy wonder their world had.

The Robin they summoned falls on the floor right after he appeared, half unconscious. Deathstroke walks to the teen and grab his hair before he lifting the face, "Hello Robin. "

The teen's eyes widening weakly behind the domino eyes, "....Slade.."

Deathstroke a little shocked to hear that, "Oh, so you knew me in the other world. It seems that I'm stuck in the position I'm already have. The only difference is that you knew the name and calls me that nonchalantly. You got guts, kid."

Deathstroke starts dragging Robin towards an empty metal table. He throw Robin on top of it and tie the weak bird on it's arms and legs, "Oh I almost forget.." he took off Robin's utility belt. Robin is whimpering and grunting.

"What are you doing, Slade..? " Robin turns to Deathstroke that is preparing for an injection, for the bird.

"It's for you to be my apprentice. " Deathstroke walks slowly to the helpless Robin. He's struggling to get out. "You looks so weak.."

First, he put some kind of wires to stick on Robin's forehead  and his chest, for Brain to check out his physically and mentally, "Him being weak here must be some kind of 'jet lagged' during his molecules passing through the different worlds. And he is much tougher than this world's Robin"

Hearing those makes Deathstroke feels like he just won a lottery. He pushing Robin's face down on the metal table, so that he wont struggle much from the injection, "Now, be mine and say goodbye to your old life, Robin" before he inject some kind of serum into Robin's neck.

The teen scream, his neck veins popped out from it. His body shaking so much for a few minutes before he calmed down.

A new boy just born.

Deathstroke untie his body before he greets the teen, "Good morning soldier. From now own, you'll be following my orders."

With a voice, almost sounds emotionless, the teen open his mouth, "Yes Master"

5 Hours Later

After all the basic test Deathstroke asking him to do, he really sure that the mind manipulation serum, as well as a Refresh software that the Brain installed in Robin's mind, working fine.

Robin, now changing his costume, similar to Deathstroke walks closely to his master and stand by his side. It's so much like the costume he had when he was Slade's apprentice in their world before. A word R been attached to his chest. He still have his domino's mask on and his spiky hair of course.

Deathstroke walks in front of Brain, "Thank you for the cooperation, Brain." He said with a stern voice like he always do, Brain reply, "I'm looking forward to our next cooperation, Deathstroke."

Deathstroke's eyes behind his mask staring sharply, "I never ask but what are you going to do with this, Brain?"

Brain turns his machine self towards the Ring, "I'll get myself an army of supers from another world. And I'll rule this world!!" He continue with his robotic laugh.

Deathstroke walking back a few steps to the exit, "It's a pleasure to be working with you, Brain."

Deathstroke looks at his new pupil, giving him a signal, "Renegade, finish him"

The teen take out a sword that been attached behind him before he swiftly jumped to the brain machine, cut it to half with no hesitation.

The machine works a bit with a tattering voice coming out from it, "DEATHSTROKE, YOU BETRAY ME! " Deathstroke gives another glares to the two of them before the teen nods. The new Robin called Renegade cuts the computer and the Ring Machine into a small pieces.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" was the last words coming out from the machine with a splatting brain splats on the floor, along with a broken glass pieces.

"Let's go Renegade" Deathstroke ordered him before he turns around to see the teen checking out his new costume, "What's wrong?"

The teen who is still checking the costume replied, "Nothing Master. It just that....it's uncomfortable and not suits me much"

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"Yes master." Deathstroke squint his eyes towards the new student. He needs to make sure that this is the brainwashed Robin and not the actual Robin. He knows how to play tricks. But looking at how he kill Brain without a hesitant, he sure that this is his.

"What do you need?"

The teen hold his chin with his finger, thinking. "Does Xenothium available here?"

"Absolutely, you'll be rewarded with that if you manage to gives me a successful reports for a missions that I'm going to give you." He said, with a dark voice.

"Yes Master!" Deathstroke pats the teen's shoulder, "That's my boy"

They get out from the hideout lab, and catch a ladder from a helicopter that come for them.

The lab located at a private man made island, further from the cities. As they flew away, a sudden explode bombing the island, leaving a big fire coming out from the lab and thus spreading out the island.

Deathstroke's laughter echoing through the silence night, with a crackling from the fire.


So, what do you guys think? I was hoping for an intense scene. The next chapter would be the JL and YJ , trying to figure out the plan.

Oh yeah, another thing, I use Robin TT's old costume when he was Slade's apprentice during Teen Titans, I change his S that was on his chest to R instead

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