Down The Rabbit Hole (Mephisto ~ Blue Exorcist)

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This is a one shot for my friend epikasia. Love you girl, and a big congrats to you!

I dusted out the hem of my black and white flared skirt for the 10th time, boredom was setting in and I was getting a touch fidgety after waiting almost 15 minutes in this blazing heat.


I blinked up at the high pitched voice that sounded more than out of breath as the slapping of her shoes reached my ears shortly after. Short blonde hair waved behind her as her usual azure eyes were closed from exhaustion as she ran. A smile twitched onto my face as I pivoted on my heel to face her with a bright grin, ignoring the annoyance I had previously felt now knowing she had been trying to get here on time at least.

"Slow down Shiemi..."

She halted a few feet from me, suddenly dropping palms to her knees in complete fatigue; her head following suit and giving me a full view of the top of her golden head.

"S-sorry... exorcist... tra-training... and..."

"Don't apologise, your studies come first and you're only 15 minutes late."

Those fifteen minutes seemed miniscule to me now that I knew her reason. I knew Shiemi wanted to be an exorcist and it's great that she finally found something she wanted to do with her life. Her head tilted up, sweat dripping down the side of her face as a forced laugh left her lungs in her exhausted state.

"Let's go get that book you wanted. My treat."

I turned and walked away from the younger female, ignoring her cries of stuttered protest as I stifled a giggle and made my way to the book store with the flailing women in tow.

~ ~ ~

Black Mary Jane's clicked along the floor slowly as my finger ran across each book I passed, Leather, paperback, fabric and cardboard running over the prints of my forefinger in my search. I wasn't looking for anything particularity, just browsing for anything that may take my interest which so far has been a bust. The medicinal herb book that Shiemi wanted was laying idly in my opposite hand, ready for purchase as I continued my idle dilly-dallying. The small blonde wanted to search some more in case there would be more books she needed for her studies and I agreed whole-heartedly, I just didn't think she would take this long. I stopped upon a thick hardback book, withered and falling apart at the spine. I narrowed my eyes at the almost ineligible black wording, focusing sandstone coloured eyes on the letters.

"Alice in... wonderland."

I smiled lightly once making out the words, pulling the book from it's hold as I opened it to a random yellowed page, taking in familiar letters and pictures of the white rabbit running with Alice in tow. It had tricked her to follow it into a crazy world full of the unknown as she followed it relentlessly to the end, no matter what she encountered she just had to catch the white rabbit. I remember this from when I was a child... It was popular amongst schools and parents reading to their kids. I was lucky enough to have both luxuries as I loved the story. My hand pressed over the picture lovingly before I shook my dark locks gently and closed the book ever so carefully as to not damage the already worn and torn antique pages, a smile still encasing my face as I placed the book back into its original hold.

"Lenita! My dear it has been far too long!~"

I pulled my fingers away from the book as I startled to look at the loud voice that had called me. I smiled gently at the familiar violet haired man as my hand pressed against my chest to calm the jump scare it had just received.

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