Nevermore (Mephisto ~ Blue Exorcist)

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I hurt... I hurt everywhere. My veins felt like sandpaper was grinding rather than blood flowing. My gums were aching... my jaw is so painful and cramped... I can't take much more of this...

"Say, are you feeling alright (Y/N)?"

I turned my head from the book I was reading, not really caring since I had already read the same sentence six times. The words just becoming a blur now.

"I'm fine Yukio, just a little under the weather is all."

"Can vampires get under the weather?"

I groaned at his question; no, we can't. Well... we aren't supposed to.

"Well I am... I'm sorry, I'll see you later Yukio. I can't seem to concentrate."

I rose from my seat and left the library, leaving my book where it was. I knew Yukio needed it anyway for his English class anyway. I trudged my way up to my room, trying to ignore the screaming pain in my gums. My throat was dry and scratchy, causing numerous dry coughs to leave my being throughout the day. It had gained the attention of the exorcist students; considering they knew what I was and all. Vampires don't get sick, they knew that well. It was basic demon knowledge. Although I wasn't sick; I was hungry.

"Some water will do..."

I made my way into my bedroom, heading straight for the bathroom and filling the glass I kept on the sink side with water. I chugged the clear liquid, if only to quench my thirst a little bit. It had worked, the thin fluid making a decent enough substitute. I smiled softly as the pain dulled lightly, knowing it will ease my cravings if only maybe for an hour at most. Better than nothing I suppose. I could always just attack a human; drawing them in and draining some blood without them even remembering the event. But I can't. I'm what the humans call... a pacifist? I think the term is. Or is it their version of a vegetarian? Hell I can't remember. I had been dry for almost a year now, shortly after I had met the Okumura brothers. They changed me, I suppose. And I gained a new perspective on life. I was happy. Going to regular school, making friends, helping the exwires in their tests and exams now and then. It was enjoyable. But I soon came to notice that I was only playing human. I am a demon after all. And I need to eat... but I don't want to feed on humans anymore... perhaps I should just go back to Gehenna? End this charade that I'm living. I should have known it wouldn't last.

Knock... knock... knock...

I snapped out of my thoughts hearing a soft and rhythmic rapping on my door. Placing the glass down on its original home I left the bathroom and headed over to the wooden barrier named door. Wondering who would be bothering me at this time. Figuring I wouldn't know by just staring at it I turned the handle and opened it wide.

"Sir Pheles?"

The handsome violet haired man grinned at me before bowing in greeting.

"Miss (L/N), how are we this evening?"

"I'm good thanks... what brings you here?"

"Oh? Nothing in particular.~"

He let himself in, closing the door behind him. I watched his movements. I had become used to this from his rare visits, so it didn't bother me anymore. But he's never come to see me because of 'nothing in particular' before. He turned his eyes away from me, glancing at his surroundings for a moment. I watched him walk over to my bedside table, picking up my copy of 'The Raven.'

"Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor."

Shock filled me for a moment.

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