『Marred』- Kai Hiwatari

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My jaw was clenched tight, pain flooding though my gums as teeth gnashed together through stress and worry. My knuckles whitening and palms bleeding lightly from the grip; as I held onto nothing but bare flesh. I wished for nothing more than to join in and help my friend but knowing I couldn't. This was his battle alone and I would be a fool to interfere; regardless of his current losing status. It was a matter of pride at the end of the day, and he had his friends behind him to back him up in moral support. He didn't need nor want us on the battle ground, despite how much I wished he did. Actually... no, I don't wish that... I wish he were winning so I wouldn't have to fret here on the side lines about his well being. Blood dripped from many open wounds on his light skin, the contrast making his injuries look more severe than I hoped they were. The red life substance surrounding the ground below his crippled form didn't ease my hope in the slightest, only making me wonder if he'd bleed out if this were to continue much longer.


"Come on you slowpoke! I don't have all day!"

I watched as the small boy ran across the snowy field, stopping at the base of the wall I perched upon with hands resting on his knees to catch his breath.

"I came as fast as I could!"

"Well you weren't fast enough. Geez, what took you so long?"


I tilted my head and smiled at the young boy still struggling to catch his breath from the run to this very wall I sat. Females weren't allowed here; so he had stated when I poked my head over the wall in curiosity for the first time. Yet since that day, I came here constantly just to see the blue haired boy to annoy him. We became fast friends, but no one could know about our meetings of course. I would never see him again if others came across us...

"So what will we play today Kai?"

"Not hide and seek..."

The young boy pouted and crossed his arms over his chest defiantly as a proud laugh escaped my lungs.

"You only say that because I win!"

The boy puffed once more and turned his back on me, stuffing his hands into his pockets defiently. With his spine straightening a little he removed one hand, holding two circular objects in his hand.

"Oh, that's right... I forgot I took this before training."

I tilted my head as the boy turned to me again, holding out his hand to reveal two beyblades. One I recognised as his own, the other white one; I didn't.

"You said you never played before. So I stole this from the lab to give to you so we could play together."

A wide grin split my cheeks as I checked my surroundings to make sure no one was looking before I leapt off the wall and into the abbey. My feet touching its dirt ground for the first time in the 6 months I've been coming here. Kai blinked at me with dark eyes as I looked up at him for the first time; he was taller than me. I guess I never noticed being perched on the wall all that time, always on higher ground for our games.

"Okay, let's play."


The blue blade spun wildly, fire engulfing the arena and pumping out a ferocious flame around the vicinity. I covered my mouth and nose to protect my lungs, struggling to keep my eye on the match with the heat that was blasting out. But I refused to look away. I watched as Dranzer crashed into the opposing blade, knocking it back a few feet as it wobbled lightly before regaining perfect balance. The raven blade made a comeback, grinding into Dranzer in an attempt to wear it down, pushing the phoenix blade around the ring with great speed.

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