Inexorable (Subaru ~ Diabolik Lovers)

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I pushed myself from my imprisonment on the wall, the lower half of my spine being the only thing to move in my current situation.

"Come on (Y/N), I promise to be gentle~"

"I said no Laito!"

I started to pound my fists on the taller mans chest, a futile attempt to get him away from me. He smirked before grabbing my raging fists and slammed them against the wall behind me, a disgusting crack emitting from my shoulders as he did so. Thankfully, rather than hurt, it loosened up the tension I held there. I still scowled up at the older male with hatred, my teeth clenched together in the blind rage that I was in.

"Now, don't go looking at me like that (Y/N). You know it only makes me want you more~"

Panic set in when the red head begun to lean towards me, he... he was going to... No! Laito suddenly jerked back at the head-butting notion I made. I will fight to the fucking end! He looked surprised for a moment before a laugh ripped through his chest. It was mocking...

"Hahaha! I knew you were a fighter, I just never knew just how far you'd go to save that blood of yours!"

He leant his face closer again, looking me directly in the eyes. My bravery was wavering and I knew it, I just had to hold out a little longer... just to fight a little longer and he'd leave like he usually does; like the others do. Hopefully...

"No one has had the chance to bite you yet, right? You keep fighting your way through somehow. Such a hot blooded woman... I wonder if it's a spicy as you are."

In a quick motion he had both my wrists pinned in one of his larger hands, his other gripped on my chin as he jerked it to the side. He stepped on both my feet, nulling any chance I had of kicking him away. I had no options left!

"I've watched your previous actions (Y/N), and you aren't getting away from me this time."

He opened his mouth, ivory fangs displaying themselves. Reality began to sink in... he was going to bite me! And I can't save myself this time... I can't fight back! I opened my mouth, hoping, wishing for anything to come out! Vocal chords, please work!


Laito stopped what he was doing, pulling back to look me in the eyes with emotionless ever-green ones. They reminded me of a damp forest, so covered with foliage that I can't see what's hidden behind.

"So, it's little brother eh?"

I blinked for a moment as he stepped back, releasing my feet and arms from their binding. He was letting me go? A small smile crossed his face as he looked out the window, my gaze following his own. It was a moonless night, yet the stares glowed even more brightly because of its absence.

"Go to him."

I turned back to look at the youngest triplet, he really was... letting me go?


I had to ask... Yet I was hesitant. Laito only ever did things that seemed to benefit himself. He sighed lightly, looking me in the eyes once more.

"Why you ask? Hmm... Don't ask me, but... Thank little bitch..."

He walked towards me again, taking my chin in-between his cold fingers.

"It's obvious it's him, and that I have no chance. Little brother deserves someone in his life... some love in his life. So go, before I change my mind~"

He winked at me with a shit-eating grin before throwing my chin harshly, causing me to stumble back a little. Just when I thought he was being nice... I scowled at him, adjusting the clothing he had ruffled from his previous endeavour. His expression never changed.

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