Would You Love A Monsterman? (Uta ~ Tokyo Ghoul)

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Fire at will
Yeah I would kill
Yeah I would freeze all hell over
Just to get a chill

Yeah I would slay
Yeah I would maim
Yeah I would vanish in thin air
And reappear again

Be right in the squares
Yeah I would be sincere
Yeah I would lie
Yeah I would die
Yeah I would be there
Waking up the dead to get a thrill
I say yeah, I say yeah

I stared in horror at the scene before me. A ghoul with its Kakugan eyes drilled onto my form, a red substance dripping from its jaws, blood; my blood. I shivered at the sight of the ghoul smirking, the wet sound of my blood filling my ears as his maws shifted with the gesture. Instinctively I placed my hand over my heavily bleeding arm, a large amount of flesh torn from the forearm as blood poured from the gaping wound.

"What a flavour... I'm going to enjoy you."

A soft whimper left my throat as I pushed myself back into the cold wall behind me, feeling utterly helpless as panic flooded my system and my mind went hazy at the realisation of what was happening to me. I was going to die. I was going to be eaten and digested to become this creatures shit!I clenched my teeth, my eyes screwing themselves shut so I wouldn't have to see what was going to happen to me; hopefully it will be painless and quick. My breath hitched as I heard a ripping sound, almost identical to the noise my arm made when I got that first chunk taken from me. I felt no pain... and I heard the sound again followed by a long grunt. It wasn't me... I wasn't being ripped apart. So what was? I opened my eyes a sliver to the ghoul in front of me, only to see him as a heaped pile of meat chunks on the floor. I inhaled sharply through my nose, the smell of iron and meat becoming overwhelming as I felt my stomach churn at the chum I was now looking at... It barely resembled a person any more. My eyes drifted up the dark clad figure that was hovering over the pile of meat and bones, a look of disinterest adorning his pierced features... but I saw the red eyes... another ghoul. Was this one going to eat me instead? I swallowed the lump in my throat as I blinked tear filled eyes up at the male, putting more pressure onto my wound as I felt myself get even more light-headed from blood loss.

"I won't kill you."

His voice was light and gave me a little comfort by not only how soft it was, but what he said. He wasn't going to kill me? Tears of relief fell down my cheeks as a choked sob escaped my throat, moistening my throat enough to speak to the male.

"Thank you..."

No sooner had I said that he vanished from my sight, leaving me alone in the alley with the pile of ghoul guts and the sound of my own sobbing.

Take your time
You'll be fine
Yeah there is nothing wrong with this
You ain't commit no crime

You don't know why
We pass you by
You search for something never found
Along these lines

Someday you may turn around and terrify
You can't deny
You crucify
Would you get down in the gutter
Swallowing your pride
I say yeah, I say yeah

I had been a jumpy mess since the incident, every noise making me flinch and I refused to leave the house at night any more for fear of being eaten. I should have run to the CCG upon knowing that man's identity; I should have run fast and the very second I saw his face. But I couldn't bring myself to do it... he saved me, revealed himself to me as a ghoul and walked by me in the streets without a care in the world. Why? I don't know. I never saw him much, but I did see him around once in a while with some other people, probably other ghouls. When he caught me looking he would give me a small wave when his friends weren't looking, but would turn back to them almost instantly and acted as if he had never seen me at all. I suppose it was for the best though, with me being a human it would only end badly for me to be dragged into the world of ghouls. But I had to speak with this man again, I had to know why he didn't eat me. Why he can walk around so carelessly in my neighbourhood when he knows that I know he's a ghoul.

🖤One-Shot-Mania🖤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang