Nugatory (Shu ~ Diabolik Lovers)

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I stared down at my half empty glass of straight liquor, focusing on the small beads that lined the rim. Thin streaks of foundation were placed where my mouth had lay previously. I lowered the drink, swilling the drink in my hand, brown mixture dancing within the clear glass, bubbling from its mild disturbance.

"Well, this is a first."

I turned my head to look at the new voice, facing the lazy figure known as Shu Sakamaki; the laziest vampire to hit the earth in my opinion. I blinked a few times; watching as he lay unceremoniously on the sofa. Had he just gotten there? Or maybe been there a while? As a vampire it's hard to tell, but in my tipsy haze; I suppose it made it even harder. I turned back to my drink; ignoring the blonde male as I took another sip from my glass. It was quite for a while, the only sounds being the constant breathing and distorted sound of violin music from the mp3 player the male constantly held. In my own section, heavy gulping of the alcoholic beverage.

"Your blood will thin..."

I blinked at his voice, leaning back into the sofa and keeping my gaze on the glass in my hands as they tightened lightly.

"I know."

"Then why do it?"

"For that exact reason."

I looked over at the blonde to see his eyes open, he kept his gaze towards the ceiling; show casing a perfect blue that he normally kept hidden behind sleeping lids.

"How foolish..."

A tch sound made its way through my lips as I turned away. Let the lazy lump think as he wants. I have met the brothers of the Sakamaki family. And they loved thick, rich blood. So I have tried my best this week to try and become as unappealing as possible. If they don't like it, they won't bite me. Simple as. I lifted my drink in hand, mouth open to finish the bourbon treat as a jerk suddenly came to my wrist; pulling it away from my agape lips. I looked up at the intruder of my beverage, knowing full well it was the sofa invader; Shu. My eyes narrowed, as I stared into the ocean that was his eyes.

"Let go."

To my anger; he smirked lazily in response. My teeth clenched as I yanked my wrist in a failed attempt to pull away from the vampire. I placed my opposite hand on my drink to transfer, but his spare cold hand stopped my actions; like a game of 'one potato, two potato'. We stared each other down for a while before a soft sigh left his lips.

"Why are you so troublesome?"

"Excuse me?"

He blinked, turning his eyes away from me. His grip tightened around my hand, slowly pressing harder each second. Too much strength was forced onto the glass and causing a crack to appear. Unfortunately, the pressure between my palm and glass was too much, splitting my own flesh in time with the cracking drink holder. My face twisted in pain, the pulling of my skin opening in time with the glass shards. I looked down to my hand that was in jeopardy, pulling my other one from underneath Shu's and instinctively wrapping my palm tightly over the opposite wrist in a failed instinct to stop it.

"Just admit what you are. You are merely a sacrificial bride. It's so bothersome that you try to fight it."

I let go of the glass I was holding, hoping for some distance from the sudden pain and truth that were spouted at me. My attempts were in vain as Shu held tighter, keeping my bloody palm pressed against the still cracking glass. Thankfully they were at different segments, avoiding my already broken skin. I looked down, refusing to acknowledge the gaze I knew was looking directly at me. I could feel it burning into the side of my head.

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