Feel Like This (Tomura Shigaraki ~ Bnha)

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I ran 3 of my fingers over the dry, wrinkled skin under my left eyelid. Around the eyes I could pass for a 60 year old man easily, the hopelessly frail stature of my body making it appear even more so. Bloodshot red eyes stared back at me in the mirror, a sneer gracing my chapped lips as I angrily bit on the cracked lower lip in frustration; tearing off a dry piece in the process. New skin had already begun to grow back underneath, so no blood formed from the loss of useless skin now sitting on the tip of my tongue.


My fingers fell down the length of my face and to my neck where I raked my nails against the soft flesh in irritation; burning red marks marring my skin at the repeated gesture.

I don't understand...


Fingers danced up and down my throat more frantic with each scratch, practically grating the flesh under my fingernails in my self loathing.

"Again Tenko?"

My self harming came to an abrupt halt along with my thoughts at the soft feminine voice that came from behind me. It came out as a sarcastic slur, but the hidden care underlying the two simple words couldn't be ignored. Ruby irises shifted from my own reflection to stare at the female in the doorway, arms folded under her small chest with a frown on her delicate face. She chewed on the lip ring situated in the left corner of her mouth; something I noticed she did when she was nervous or in deep thought. Her emerald eyes looked tired, red veins standing out against the white sclera and panda bags decorating her sunken lower lids. She hadn't been sleeping much lately... which was saying something for the cat like woman that usually slept almost 16 hours a day. None the less I still grumbled at her intrusion, turning back to the sink where I picked up a pink bar of soap, her soap; and holding it gently with my middle finger extended.

"It's Tomura."

Annoyance was evident in my voice as the female sighed heavily and lent her form against the wooden door frame, arms dropping in defeat to hang limply at an awkward angle with her head lolling to thump gently on the frame like her shoulder. Soft pink locks fell into her tired eyes at the gesture; the female not giving it any thought as she continued to stare at me through the mirror.

"So you keep telling me, but I still don't give a fuck."

Middle finger lowered onto the fruity scented soap, allowing it to disintegrate into grey ashes at my touch as it fell softly like dark snow into the sink.

"That was my favourite."

"I know."

I tipped my hand in one last mocking motion as I allowed the remainder of her decomposed soap to float from my hand and to the rest of the ash pile, soaking up the tiny bits of water that had remained from my using it earlier and clumping into a darker grey mass. I heard her sigh once more as my fingers moved to scratch at my throat again, thinking over everything that had occurred over the last 2 months. This woman was my problem... she was why I seemed to be acting out much more lately and actually giving a damn about my withered appearance that matched my quirk. And it's because of this why she has been getting lack of sleep; for worrying about me...

but why?

A warmth enveloped around my hand as it pulled my fingers away from their self mutilation to my skin, a soft smile directed at me as she held my palm carefully as if I would be the one to rot away at her touch.

"Tenko, why are you stressing now?"

"Damn woman... Stop using that na-"

"Zero fucks given."

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