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~A really fast time skip~

3 weeks later

Author's Pov
Three weeks, was the longest time in her life.Three weeks of not seeing Jungkook and three weeks before Hana graduates from high school.She wasn't paying attention to Ms. Kim who was teaching about the algebraic equations, but to Jungkook who now sat at the corner of the class, instead of his usual seat behind her, constantly kicking her chair.He stared out the window as the sun reflected on his pale skin.

Hana feels guilty for slapping Jungkook. Her past feelings, anger, and betrayal triggered the feelings inside, as it was released into a cold, hard slap on his face. He promised to be there for Hana but he eventually broke his promise.She promised herself not to fall for him,but her feelings kept returning.

Jungkook leans away from the window and looks at Hana, as a shade of tint appeared on her cheeks.She swore that Jungkook was about to say something with his lips apart, but she diverted her attention back to Ms. Kim, who was starring at her as she pushed her glasses against the nose of her bridge.

"Hana, Out!"

"Why are you sending her out Ms. Kim?She did not even do anything to you did she?"

Hana spun her body around as she stood from her seat, looking at Jungkook who was standing, and glaring mercilessly at Ms. Kim. Jungkook caught Hana's gaze, as she mouths the word,'stop it'.Ms. Kim was pissed, as she stared at the two annoying students who were disrupting her class.

"Hana, Jungkook, leave the class now!".

Hana bowed her head before storming off to her locker, as Jungkook chased behind her.She opened her locker and shoved her unwanted books inside.As she was about to walk away, she felt a gentle grip on her shoulder.She turned to see Jungkook panting as if he'd ran a marathon."Why can't you keep your mouth shut for once Jeon?Why do you keep getting me into trouble and unwanted attention?!", she sneered.

"Listen i-"

Hana lost it before she cried her heart out,"No you listen to me!Ever since I met you, I've gotten unwanted attention from your fan girls who bully me and beat me up!See these scars?It's all because of you and no one else!Do you think I like them?No, i don't!I wanted a peaceful senior year but you keep dragging me into this mess.Honestly, i hate you to death!After you left for Seoul when you promised to be there for me, I got bullied and teased with no one's support.When I saw you return last year, I was so happy till you called me your one night stand Jungkook. So fuck off Jeon Jungkook",she rambled as she spilled out the truth.

He stood stunned and speechless by her sudden rebuke.He could see that tears welled up in her eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets.He was on the brink of tears as he bit his lip."Do you not see that I do care about you Hana...And i'm sorry i didn't remember you", he stammered as he looked into her glassy, tearful eyes.

"Well I can see that you care so much till I have these cuts and bruises all over me", she replied sarcastically, as she wiped her falling tears.He wanted to hug her and comfort her so badly, as he walked closer to her before she held her hand out."Stay away from me, you've caused enough problems for me, Jeon".

He huffed as he looked at her with irritated eyes.

"I care about you, Hana!Yes, i left for Seoul because of my parents and if I had a choice I would have stayed to be with you!How was I suppose to recognize and know that you would have grown up into a beautiful woman after those years of not seeing you?!Did you not read my letter when I left?",he yelled in pain as his tears rolled down,confessing the bitter truth that stung Hana's mind.

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