Dating Tips With Bodil

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One week later...

Maxine's POV

I scribbled down another quote:

"Normalness leads to sadness." -Phil Lester

I smiled and taped it on my wall.

Someone knocked on my door and it slowly opened. It was Mitch.

"Hey, uh, Maxine." He said, walking in and sitting down on my bed.

"How ya doing?" I said.

"Are you still coming with us to Mine-Con.?"


"Great!" He smiled. "It's in two days." I nodded.

There was a long silence and I watched Mitch reading some of the papers on my wall. Then Mitch broke it, "Maxine, I have something to tell you."


He was cut off by my door flying open. "The Bulgarian's here. Come on." Jerome said, taking my arm and pulling me down the stairs.

"Tell me after!" I yelled to Mitch.

He nodded and I raced after Mitch.

I was really excited to meet Martin. I had played a round of cops and robbers with him and Adam after they finished recording. We talked on Skype a few times after. He even let me help him build the next Epic Jump Map!

Sure enough, Martin was here. He was standing in the living room, surrounded by the other Team Crafted guys.

"I brought Max." Jerome called over the noise.

Everyone turned to look at us. "Hey, girl." Adam said, making a creepy face. I laughed.

"No, no, no, go away." I said, pushing him away as he came closer, the same look in his face.

"So you're Maxine." Martin said, taking a step forward.

"And you are the infamous Bodil40." I said.

"Yep." He laughed. Bodil was famous for his weird laugh. Everyone else in the room either smiled or laughed along with him. This guys laugh was contagious.

Suddenly, Mitch appeared next to Jerome. "Hey dood." He said to Martin.

"Hey Mitch!" Martin said happily. Aw, he was really cute.

Everyone talked for a while. At one point, Bodil looked at me and said, "I like your hair."


"Yeah. It's"

I laughed. Blue dyed hair always got people's attention.

Ty elboed him in the arm. "Eyyy, Flirting 101 with the Bodil. Tell her that her hair is very blue."

Everyone in the room laughed but Mitch.

"Brodil you have to give more dating tips." Adam said.

Martin thought for a moment. "I'm Bulgarian, I don't know how to date." He said with another laugh.

"I can show you." Ty said in a deep voice. "Bodlox40."

Martin made a disgusted face then laughed. "Eeeeewwww." He drew out the word 'ew' so it was at least 10 syllables long.

Is it bad that I kinda thought Martin was really cute? I mean, I had a crush on another guy back in New York, but Martin was adorable.

It was even better to meet him in person!

"Hey, uh, Maxine?" Mitch said from the corner of the room.

I looked up. "Yeah?"

He motioned me forward. "Can I, uh, tell you the thing I was talking about earlier?"

I nodded and he motioned me forward. I followed him into the kitchen.

Jerome's POV

I was proud of Mitch for finally telling Maxine he liked her. Had only taken him several years.

We all talked to Bodil and laughed with him. He was a real cool dood.

I imagined Mitch and Maxine coming from the kitchen holding hands. "We're...uh...we're dating." Mitch would stutter. Everyone would clap. They would kiss. Ships would be made. Everything would be perfect. Hashag Mitchine. End of story.

Unfortunatley, only Maxine came from the kitchen. She looked at us for a second then ran up the stairs. I think I heard her sob.

Uh oh.

"Maxine?" I called after her.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked.

"I'll go check on her." Martin volunteered. Before anyone could object, he was headed for the staircase.

"I'll go check on Mitch." I said.

I entered the kitchen to find the worst version of Mitch I have ever seen. I have seen him when he's happy. When he's sad. When he's angry. But never like this.

He was sitting on the floor of the kitchen, his back up against the counter. He was staring off into space, his arms limp by his sides. His cheeks glistened with tear trails.

"Mitch?" I whispered.

A fresh tear floated down his face. He didn't respond. I went and sat next to him.

I knew nothing I could ever say could help him right now. I just stayed with him.

I knew he had just gotten his heart broken.

Authors note:

I started this before Team Crafted broke up (*distant crying*) but I'm going to continue it. Hope you guys like it! <3

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