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Hey guys! New chapter! Hope you all like it ^-^

I'm going to be going on a long trip so I'll be writing some chapters on the bus and stuff :3

Let's just hope none of my friends read my writing 7-7

Ty's POV

Bodil went away to talk to his friend Simon (A/N: #dolphinarmy sweg) back in Bulgaria so Adam and I went downstairs to the living room.

We sat down on the couch and there was silence for a minute. Then Adam finally broke it with a little cough. "So, about Maxine, how did Jerome and Mitch meet her?"

I thought back to when Jerome was telling me about her. "They met in elementary school, the three of them." I said, remembering. "All went to the same one. They had the same teacher and sat together at lunch, all that stuff. Then Maxine's dad-he's in the army-got repositioned at a base way across the country. That was ten years ago. She moved away and they somehow kept up contact over the years. They haven't seen each other in person in a long time."

Adam was silent, then said: "So they kept up cross-country communication for ten years?"

I nodded and Adam laughed. "He really loved her." He said quietly.

I nodded again. "He must've really loved her."

We stared at the kitchen door.

Mitch's POV

(A/N: This is at the same time as Adam and Ty are in the living room)

I stared at the cupboard. Why was I falling so hard for Maxine?

I frowned. Man up. I told myself as another tear slipped down my face.

"I've had enough of this shit." I said to no one. I stood up and looked around for something to write on. Digging through a drawer, I found a sharpie and scribbled a simple note on a napkin explaining that I had went out and slammed it down on the counter.

I then opened up the door and walked out. I started down the sidewalk when I saw a shape underneath the tree by the house.

I moved closer and discovered it was a person. I gasped. But not just any person.

It was Maxine.

Jason's POV

(A/N: Starts off from where Mitch's POV leaves off)

I was talking to Quentin and Ian when I heard Mitch.

"So Jerome is going to be okay?" I asked, looking down at my laptop.

"Yeah, he should be fine." Quentin said over the sound of clicking keys.

Then came the scream. It came from outside and resonated through the whole room. The three of us fell silent.

"Did you hear that?" Ian said, looking up from the table.

I nodded. "Yeah. It sounded like Mitch. We should go check on him."

As if on cue, Mitch came bursting through the door. "Clear off the table!" He yelled at us.

"What are-" Quentin started, then noticed what Mitch was doing.

In his arms was Maxine. Her leg was extremely messed up, to put it lightly. I cringed and looked away as we hurried to clear off the table.

Adam and Ty came running in the room, Bodil and Jerome close behind. "What's wrong?" Adam demanded, then saw Maxine. "Oh my god."

"We don't have time to stand around!" Mitch said. "Someone call an ambulance!"

"On it!" Jerome said, turning on his phone and running out of the room.

We carefully placed Maxine on the table. Everyone was talking at once-it was chaos.

"Shut up!" Ian suddenly shouted. We all fell silent and stared at him.

"It's not doing us any good to stand around and not help her. We need to at least try and do something. Ty, do we have a first aid kit?" Ian started to throw orders left and right, taking control of the situation. We all just went with it, and accepted his leadership.

Ian explained some first aid techniques he had learned in the army. Together, we had stopped the bleeding by the time we heard the sirens pulling up to our house.

"Who will come to the hospital with this girl?" The doctor man asked our group as they loaded her in the ambulance.

Mitch's hand clenched.

Martin's hand twitched.

Jerome quickly raised his arm. "I'll go."

"Alright, right this way." The doctor escorted him toward the vehicle.

"Her leg's only broken. She'll be alright." Ian said.

"I hope." Adam muttered.

Mitch silently left the room. One by one, we all wandered away. Eventually, it was just me and Bodil, standing there, staring at the kitchen table.

Then I took the chance.

"Bodil, do you... do you like Maxine?"

He blinked. "Of course!" He said.

"No I mean like..." I suddenly felt like I was seven again, huddled on the elemntary school playground, talking about which girls we liked. "Do you like like her?"

Bodil didn't answer, just turned red and looked down at his shoes.

I chuckled as I walked past him on the way out. "I guess that's my answer."

Jerome's POV

I steadied myself on the gurney as the ambulance hit another bump. My gaze shifted from the doctor, who was taking Maxine's pulse and such, to Maxine herself. She looked so peaceful. Almost dead.

Her hazel eyes were covered by her ratty hair. Seeing her hair reminded me of the Skype call when she showed us her hair for the first time.

I almost smiled as I zoomed into a flashback.


"You ready, guys?" Maxine said. Her webcam was covered, probably by her hand.

"Yep." I said, shifting my position so I was sitting criss-cross on the bed, staring at Maxine's dark screen.

"Show us!" Mitch said impatiently. He threw a ball at the wall over his webcam and caught it as it bounced back.

"3...2...1!" Maxine took her hand away to reveal a different person. Her once flat, blonde hair was now poofed up, (A/N: like AshleyMarieGaming :3) and it was colored a light shade of blue, like cotton candy.

"Wow." I said, grinning. "That's so cool."

Mitch was completely ignoring me now, caught up in his crush. "Woah, Maxine, that's sweet!"

She smiled. "Thanks."

I rolled my eyes and opened up a book. Third wheeling wasn't always the worst.

At least I could get some homework done.

***end of flashback***

I reached over and smoothed her hair out of her eyes. I saw that they were closed. Now she definitely looked dead.

I delicately pulled leaves and sticks from her hair.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered in her ear. "You're going to be fine. Hey, and you know what? While we're there, they can fix my face. Mitch screwed it up real bad." I whispered the whole story in her ear, even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

The doctor snapped at me to quit touching his 'patient', so I took a step back and waited for us to arrive.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to vote, comment your thoughts, and follow me for more! :3

Less than three <3

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