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Martin's POV

"Get up get up get up get up!" I shouted and shook the mound of blankets in Maxine's bed.

"Shut up!" Maxine yelled from somewhere inside the blankets.

"Come on Maxine." I complained. "Get up...or I'll push you off the bed."

"I'd like to see you try." Maxine's muffled voice challenged.

"Challenge accepted, then." I climbed over and sat on the other side of her.

Maxine pulled the blanket down. Her hair was tangled and her eyes squinted from the light. She was beautiful.

"Stop staring at me, you creep." She said. I blinked.

"Oh yeah, I was going to push you off, wasn't I?"

Maxine rolled her eyes. Wow, she was definitely not a morning person. "No, don't do that."

I smirked. "I am the king of trolls, though." I put one hand on her back and the other on her legs and quickly shoved her toward the edge of the bed.

"Martin!" She yelled in surprise. At the last second she managed to grab my sleeve and pulled me off the bed with her. We landed on the floor, laughing and tangled in blankets.

"You are an idiot." She said with a wink. I smiled and slid my hand into hers.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The door opened. "What are you-" Jerome's voice started, but he stopped when he stepped in the room, his eyes widening.

I felt my face go red and I'm sure Maxine's did too. "Uh-" "We were just-" "We're not-" "He was-" Our words stumbled over each other in a rush.

Jerome just stuttered something and quickly left the room.

"Oh god." I muttered. Maxine said nothing as we pulled the blankets off and threw them back on the bed.

"Sorry I pushed you off the bed." I said, holding in a laugh. Maxine giggled and pulled me into a kiss.

We pulled apart after a few seconds. "I'm not sorry I brought you with me." She said with a smirk.

I laughed, took her hand, and we walked out of the room.

Adam's POV

I walked into the kitchen to find everyone making breakfast as usual. My eyes scanned the room and the only one missing was Maxine.

"Hey guys." I said loudly over the noise of laughter and talking. "I have an announcement." The room got quiet and everyone turned to me.

"What is your announcement, Lord Sky?" Ty said, fixing his fringe with his fingers, a small smirk on his face. I gave him a sarcastic glance.

"I had the idea to have all our, uh, girlfriends over for dinner." I held up my phone. "I already asked Alesa, but I wanted to run it by you guys first."

"So basically, non-microwaved food?" Jerome said, earning a laugh.

"Yes." I said, laughing.

"Sounds great." Jerome said with a grin.

Martin stood up. "I'll go talk to Maxine. I think she's still sleeping." He walked out the door.

I smiled and sent a quick text to Alesa, telling her that she could come over. She responded with a little smiley face and a heart.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled a jug of milk out, and poured it into a bowl. About four or five boxes of cereal already littered the kitchen. I chose the closest one and shook some into my bowl.

"Louise can come." Jerome said, his phone in his hands.

Mitch, who was next to him, looked up. "Same with Erika." I nodded. None of us had met Erika, so this should be interesting. From the stupidly adoring way Mitch talks about her, she should be pretty cool.

"Martin!" Maxine's voice yelled from upstairs. It was then followed by a thump. We all instinctively looked up at the ceiling, as if expecting to see something.

"Let me go...check on them." Jerome said, his voice a little suspicious. He's very protective of Maxine.

"Maddie is busy, but she says she might be able to come a different time." Ian piped up from one of the corners of the room. I nodded.

I walked over and sat next to Ty, who was typing on his phone. He typed for a few seconds, then sent whatever he had written. I gave him an expectant look when he glanced up. "Jocelyn's asleep." He snorted. "I may need to send her a barrage of selfies." He smirked and started taking pictures of himself.

I was about to answer, but the door flew open to reveal a slightly red Jerome. He quickly ran and sat by Mitch.

"Are you okay Jerome...?" Mitch asked kind of awkwardly. Jerome didn't get to answer because the door opened again.

Maxine peeked into the room. "We were as a matter of fact not doing...anything." She said somewhat awkwardly and pushed past Jerome into the kitchen, pulling Bodil by the hand.

A/N: So this was going to be longer but Wattpad is being a butt and not letting me save my work -_-

Follow me on Instagram (look in my bio :3)

Love you all, less than three! <3

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