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3 years later..

Maxine's POV

Here I was. At the very same airport I had been reunited with Mitch and Jerome at three years ago.

Except this time, I was the one waiting. I held a sign that read Martin Petrov.

I checked my watch for the thousandth time. 11:27. I looked up at the monitor. Flight 175 from Sofia, Bulgaria is scheduled to land at Gate 7 at 11:30. Just a little while longer...

Martin had been gone for four weeks. The longest I had ever been away from him. Since his last cancelled flight to go back to Bulgaria permanently, he had flown back every few months for about two weeks. He even brought me once and I met his family and everything. We had bought an apartment by the Team Crafted house and lived together.

I smiled as I heard the familiar sound of a plane landing. A few minutes later, people came flooding out of the gate. I searched the crowd for Martin.

Bulgarian and English words floated around me as people getting off the plane were reunited with the ones waiting. All except me, who stood there like an idiot with my sign as people passed by me.

The last of the passengers walked out of the terminal and there was no sign of Martin.

I checked my phone. No texts, no missed calls.

"Maxine Mitchell to the Gate 7 desk." The PA boomed.

I stood up. Images flashed through my mind as I imagined the worst possible scenario. Did he miss his flight? Did he cancel? Did he...did he die? Shut up Maxine. How would that even happen? I walked over to the desk. "I-I'm Maxine Mitchell."

The flight attendant smiled. She looked under the desk and a hand grabbed the desk, pulling a person with it.


"Martin! What the hell! You scared me half to death! How did you even get past me?" I shouted, almost jumping over the desk to strangle him.

He smiled and came around the desk. He had one hand behind his back.

"Maxine, I know you're ready to kill me right now, but just let me talk. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you on that Skype call. You grew to be more than a friend to me. I still remember that day when I asked you to be my girlfriend. I love you so much and I want to ask you a question."

I gasped as Martin slowly got down on one knee and pulled a tint velvet box from his back pocket.

"Maxine Mitchell...will you marry me?" He said, opening the little box to reveal a diamond ring. I nodded as tears started falling down my face.

He stood up and carefully slid the beautiful ring on my finger.

I smiled. "Don't you ever scare me like that again."

He laughed and kissed me.

Applause surrounded us.

And I was finally happy.

So here we are, finally at the end of The House. I've had so much fun writing this story and I hope you guys reading it. There aren't many Bodil40 fanfictions on Wattpad, so I made it my mission to write one.

I have another story on the way and I'm going to try and regularly post some random one-shots for different YouTubers.

Be sure to follow me, as well as comment and rate.

I love you guys!

Less than three,

Alex <3

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