C4 - Unknown house

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"You're taking forever," Alex complained. I cast a death glare in his direction before throwing the final clothing in my bag. The packing itself didn't take long but finding out what to bring did. I mean, I had no idea for how long we were going away or where he lived. Anyway, it's not like he's always quick, so I don't get what he's on about. "Are you done, grandma?" he asked again. "Cozy how you fell in love with a grandma," I snickered, swinging the bag over my shoulder. I heard him let out a chuckle as we left the room, he still can't resist my non-existent humour... nice.

I thought Alex would continue walking out the front door, but he stopped. "What is it?" I asked, looking up at him. He just looked down at me in silence instead of answering, as per usual. "I've changed my mind," he said suddenly. I frowned softly, opening my mouth to speak, but he spoke instead. "We're not going to my place, hell no," he scoffed softly, took my hand, and led me outside. "Where are we going then?" I questioned, struggling to keep up with him. "They would expect me to go home," he explained. "They? Who're you talking about?" I asked as I pulled back. He went silent again, of course. "If you don't tell me, then I'm not coming, Alex. This is too shady," I let out a sigh. What happened next came as a surprise, he grabbed my arm and literally forced me into the car. Forcing people to do stuff is certainly nothing like Alex, so we must be quite a problematic situation.

The ride remained silent, it was safe to say that I was becoming pretty frustrated with Alex's behaviour. His knuckles were slowly turning white as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, indicating that he was angry, very angry. "Is it me you're angry at?" I asked hesitatingly. He kept shut, and it only made me even more frustrated, maybe even angry by now. Was he chewing gum again?

What I found odd was his sudden tendency to become tense whenever I spoke. He stopped moving his face whenever I spoke, and I could see his jaw tensing for each time. If I anger him this much all of a sudden, then why the hell would he stay with me? It seems like all we do now is argue anyway.

Even though I was angry at Alex and quite stressed out, I managed to fall asleep in his car. I woke up in some room that I had never seen before. The walls were painted in a light shade of grey, and there were white shelves attached to them which had a few plants placed on them. The room was simple, yet a pleasing sight. It was a double bed that I had stayed in, alone. I stretched my arms before I got up completely. The floor made a creaky sound when I stepped on it and it kinda freaked me out a bit as it reminded me of horror movies. I made my noisy way to the door and left the room in what felt like a hurry.

I looked around when I got out in the hallway. There were several pictures hanging on the walls, but I couldn't recognize any of them. "Hello?" I spoke carefully. I took a step towards some other room and the creak was way louder this time. "Dammit," I exhaled, trying to walk more silently. "Alex?" I whispered. I moved my head to the side, seeing the end of the short and narrow hallway. There were a few drops of something deep red on the corner that led to some other room. My eyebrows instantly moved upwards from confusion. "Morning, Valerie."

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