C61 - Evil by the window

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Constantly when being anywhere near Adeline and Hayden, I feared she would backstab me and tell him my secret. She kept glaring at me, making me feel nothing but unwanted and uncomfortable. She kept her stares as discreet as she could though so that Hayden wouldn't suspect anything. I know that's a good sign, but it still made me paranoid. Heck even when I went through the security she looked at me like she expected me to get the red light. I didn't, in fact, she did. "I was randomly checked, you were just lucky that it can't sense evilness," she whispered as she passed me. She walked in front of Dane and I, beside Hayden. "Is she like this to everyone who dates someone from Alex's side?" I exhaled. "Pretty much," Dane nodded. Oh, well, this can get interesting.

At the plane, after going through the security and everything, I sat down with Adeline and a stranger. Because of the rush, we didn't get to switch places, something Adeline unquestionably didn't appreciate. "You can sit by the window, so I have control," she said, pointing to the seat by the window. I didn't hesitate, I loved the window spots anyways. She sat down in the middle seat, and the stranger at the end. When I turned my head, I saw Dane watching us distantly. He was speaking with Hayden but kept his sight locked at Adeline and I. They'd placed Xavier by the window as well. I'm just curious about how this trip will turn out, and I sure hope she won't expose me the second she sees the perfect chance.

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