C27 - Sides

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"Valerie?" Xavier said suddenly. His eyes opened slowly after his short time of resting. "Yeah?" I answered, leaning against the wall. "Why are you acting like you're totally okay with all of this?" he asked as he sat up. "I guess I haven't thought deeply enough about it. You have to truly realize what situation you're in to get a proper reaction, right?" I shrugged my shoulders. He nodded approvingly before he continued speaking: "How are the wounds?". I didn't have to look down at my wounds to know how they were doing. They were healing, but slowly. "How did you know of the wounds?" I asked, ignoring his question. He began stuttering, you know like people do whenever they realize that they've fucked up. "Do you know who did it or what caused it?" I asked quickly. "No, but Alex does." "How could you know of them without knowing anything else about it? You seem to know much." "I'm so gonna regret this," he exhaled sharply. "Regret what?" I asked. "Come on," he said, opening his door.

At first, I thought he would take me to the exit of the castle or something, but he took me to Alex's room. It felt like a spy mission to get there though, as everyone was watching me with their judgmental eyes. "Keep quiet, okay?" Xavier whispered. I nodded as he carefully placed his hand on Alex's door handle. He carefully leaned against the door, listening closely to make sure Alex wasn't in there.

After a short while of listening, he nodded once as a confirmation that no one stayed in there. When the door creaked open, I spotted the paper on the bed. The map that I'd left on the bed still was still there? I thought Alex would find it and hide it again, but I was wrong. Even Xavier frowned at the map.

"Jace sat on that, yet he didn't see it?" I whispered. Xavier shrugged his shoulders: "Perhaps he's just blind." "Maybe. Anyway, why did you take me here?" I asked, still in a whispering tone. "To find a journal." "What journal?" I asked. He moved closer to get pass me, which I didn't understand at first, so I moved my head back to the point where my double chin was exposed. "Gorgeous," he said sarcastically. "Xavier, stay focused." "Fine. Your boyfriend casually writes a journal about his life, which you're a huge part of. There's a chance he has written about your wounds." "Okay, seems about right." He opened his mouth to say something, but it wasn't his voice we heard next. "My success won't be ravaged by something as stupid as love," Jace said from outside the room. By listening closely, I could hear his voice becoming louder, meaning he was walking towards this room. My eyes widened, and my head moved towards Xavier who was also looking rather concerned.

"That would be utterly unnecessary," Alex said. "Ah! Be quick!" Xavier half-whispered as he pushed me away. "Where do I go?" I asked in panic. The next second a curtain was dragged in front of me. "Xavier, this won't take me away from here," I pointed out. "This would've been so much easier if you just wouldn't have had feet," Xavier sighed. "You can see my feet?" I asked, peeking my head out. He adjusted the curtain so that it covered all the majority of me. "I think you'll be fine now," he said. "What about yourself?" I asked. "I should've been watching you, I forgot that," he said through gritted teeth. "Hide under the bed," I suggested. "Good idea, Valerie." He rushed over to the bed but didn't get to lay down carefully, unfortunately. I saw him fall to the floor the second the door opened. The panic must've struck him and made him react like that. I could hear the smallest groan coming from him, luckily Alex and Jace didn't.

"Are you sure she doesn't know anything? I'm feeling rather dubious regarding Xavier. Perhaps we should keep him away from this situation, for now," Jace said. Ouch, that must've hurt to hear. "Xavier can't just be excluded, you know that, Jace. He's the type of guy that'll do his side good, and as long as he's on our side he can be trusted." "Smart thinking. He can't change side anyway," Jace answered. Sides? As in the good and evil stuff in the movies kind of sides? "Just keep dropping hints to Valerie, perhaps she'll figure it out herself," Jace said. "What if she gets too frightened and runs away?" Alex asked. "He was scared, he got over it. She will too." He...? "You don't just get over it," Alex argued. "Ugh, you sound so dense when you act like you care." "Playing with humans' fright usually don't end well. Any human can go crazy from this, and you know that. So before you judge my denseness... try dating a human for years," Alex snapped. Their dramatic conversation isn't giving me the hints I need to figure this out.

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