C12 - The Rotten House

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I did as I intended, I ran off. I had no clue whether Alex noticed that I took off or not, but surely he will find out eventually, and by that time, I'll have to be far away from him. He has always blamed his "stalking" by telling me that he's just an overprotective person, but if that's so, then why would he get his lover into something dangerous? Overprotective people are, of course, focused on their beloved ones being safe, but that's not what Alex is doing by getting me into something dangerous. What scares me the most now is the fact that Alex knows me so well that he will probably be able to predict most of my moves... I can't say the same for him. When I think it over, it has usually been me who has talked about problems, my problems. I've let Alex into my mind, let him discover my weaknesses, but he never returned that. I don't really know how Alex handle difficult situations, but he might know how I do.

The road was long, and I was both lost and soaked, so I searched for a place to stay temporarily. It took me quite some time to find an old house, greatest part was that it looked like it had been abandoned for hundreds of years. How cosy to stay in an old half rotten house... at night... alone.

The rain literally soaked through the mouldy wood and through the roof of the house. There were no lights here either, not even a candle to light. I brought out my phone and put on the flashlight, hoping I wouldn't discover anything mind scarring. Dead mice and bugs were spread in the corner of the room I was currently in. I put my hand in front of my nose as a desperate attempt to keep the horrible smell away.

The majority of the first floor consisted of dead bugs and mice, some places there were rats as well, but that's of no importance. I couldn't find anything that the ones who had lived here had left behind. Well, other than an old and creasing picture on one of the walls. It was a portrait of an old lady with a younger boy in the background. The woman, to me at least, looked like a typical ancestor. Additionally, the picture must be quite old considering its bad creasing.

I didn't dare to go upstairs, so I searched for something to sit on downstairs. There was a chair in here that looked like it could possibly support my weight, it wasn't as rotten as the house at least. I carefully sat down on it, and I did indeed feel frightened that it would break down at any second. Causing loud sounds in the middle of an abandoned house while having people out looking for you doesn't sound like a good idea anyway.

The messages on my phone started pouring in. By now, Alex had called me several times and he'd sent so many messages that I couldn't count them anymore. I didn't answer him, nor did I intend to. Of course, I'm aware of his worries, but he should clear his mind before making any more decisions. 

The thought of Alex tracking my phone suddenly struck me, so I turned it off, leaving me in the dark in the middle of the creepy house. All I could hear was my own breathing, the wind, and the rain. Surprisingly enough, my breath was calm and controlled even though I was far away from home and completely lost. I could hear how the windows of the house struggled to keep up, to resist the weight of the rain that slammed against it.

I won't put too much weight on how negative of an effect this whole situation will have on me because I know that this is only the start of my journey with Alex. The past five years with him has been wonderful... it has been wonderful living a fantasy with a lovely liar.

My eyes continuously kept closing and opening, and for each time they closed... they spent a rather long time to open again. All the running that it took to get here had left me exhausted and that damn exhaustion caused me to get to the point where I was half asleep and half awake.

For each time the wind blew just a little bit harder my heart skipped a beat. "Just calm yourself down, Valerie. It's nothing," I whispered to myself. Well, at least I thought it was nothing, at first. I heard a louder sound coming from the entrance of the house. So, I carefully got up and placed my phone in my back pocket. I could feel some of the dirt on the floor moving as I made my way over to the door. The door creaked as I attempted to open it. I had enough adrenaline rushing through my body to open it, but I knew that it would be a reckless decision, so I closed it again. I took one step backwards and started turning around, however, I didn't get to turn around completely. Someone suddenly pushed me up against the wall and held a strong grip on my neck. "You're one stupid girl."

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