C60 - Xavier's escape attempt

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The others were preparing to leave, I, on the other hand, didn't have much to bring. I was as ready as I could possibly be. Therefore, I just walked around in boredom. Suddenly, I spotted a black cat that looked very similar to Leo, Xavier's cat. I whispered something under my breath before I walked closer, a frown forming on my face. Behind the cat, Xavier came walking, directly towards me. My eyes expanded at the sight of him. «Valerie, why are you here?» he asked in confusion. «I chose to come here, and don't address me as Valerie,» I half-way whispered. «Are you crazy?» he whispered. I took a step back automatically. «What is it?» he narrowed his eyebrows. «You're evil, I don't want to be a part of your evil plans.» «Let me guess, Hayden changed your mind?» he raised an eyebrow, shaking his head at me. «Actually, the sight of Alex's fangs did.»

I was facing a dilemma now. Xavier is one of Alex's helpers or friends. I'm not sure what they call each other. Anyway, he's one of them. I couldn't make up my mind whether I should let him go or call for the others.

My speculations took too long, some vampires came walking towards us, towards him. Xavier cast a glance at me, looking both disappointed and angry. I was gonna apologize, but that would look too suspicious. I didn't do anything to either distract or stop them from taking Xavier. «We'll bring him with us. Causing him pain won't change anything, he's used to it,» Hayden said to the guys. Xavier's facial expression changed when he saw Hayden standing by my side. «Oh, come on. Are you guys too weak to even treat me like your enemy?» Xavier snickered. «Ignore him,» Hayden said.

As they grabbed Xavier, he kept his sight locked at me. I knew he was trying to make me realize I was doing the wrong thing, but I wasn't. He probably saw this as me using them, but truth is, I'm just trying to stay alive. However, his stare made me feel like I was, indeed, using them. I'm not evil though, it's just his imagination running wild, and my thoughts being twisted. 

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