chapter five.

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"Your hair is prettier than mine." I heard Michael say next to me. We had been at the bonfire for only an hour and he was already plastered. I looked to my right and saw him playing with my hair.

I chuckled as I said, "But your hair's red. I think that's pretty cool."

"Yeah, it is."

I rolled my eyes, walking over to Jess and Luke. Michael came stumbling behind me, almost falling flat on his face from his inability to walk.

"Hey, guys. I think I'm gonna take Michael home." I said, depsite the boy's protests bombarding me.

"Okay. Be safe, C. See you soon!" Jess replied, hugging me. I gave Luke a quick hug only to have Michael rip me off of him.

"I want a hug." He lazily mumbled, coming closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"C'mon, Clifford, you're drunk." I said, pulling him to the car.

We drove in silence, neither of us really knowing what to talk about. Michael was too incoherent to have any form of conversation anyway, so I just let it be. His hand was on my knee as we drove. Every once in awhile a song he liked would come on and he would sing along, turning up the volume.

"You're a good singer." I said to him. I wasn't lying, his voice was incredible.

"Thanks." He said, shyly smiling.

We got to his frat house, and I pulled up. I took the keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the driver's side, quickly striding over to Michael's side to help him out, trying to avoid him attempting to get out on his own. I opened the door and took his hand, lifting him up. He wasn't drunk to the point where it was annoying, but to the point where he needed assistance. So, I swung his arm around my shoulders, closing the door behind me with my foot, and locking the car. We strode up to the house, struggling with Michael's stumbliness.

"Do you have a key?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "It should be open."

"That's not very safe." I scolded him as I tried to open the door. No luck. I knocked loudly on the door, hoping that at least somebody would be home. The door flung open, revealing a boy. His head was turned away from us, finishing the conversation he was having with whoever else was inside. Once he turned to us I dropped the keys to Michael's car.

It was Matt.

"Chloe?" He asked.

"That's my name." I replied, harshly. I bent down to pick up the keys, keeping Michael's hand in mine for precaution.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, smirking.

"Well I'm certainly not here to see you." I spat.

Michael furrowed his brows, obviously confused by the interaction before him.

"Wait, you two know each other?" He questioned.

Matt's eyes went wide as he realized that he didn't have a story to make up how he knew me.

"Yeah. Do you wanna tell him Matty or should I?" I replied, raising my eyebrows. He hesitated for a second before saying;

"We met at a party."

I scoffed. "Yeah, what happened at that party Matt?"

His voice got hitched in his throat, before taking a deep breath. I felt Michael's hand squeeze mine so tightly, it began to hurt.

"Michael, what are you doing?"

"He's the bastard who did that to you wasn't he?" He replied, his face growing red. Any trace of alcohol in his system was now unaffecting him as he focused on the situation ahead of him.

I stayed silent, looking anywhere but Michael's eyes. I didn't trust my voice, because tears were now brimming my eyes, the situation now hitting me. I haven't seen Matt since that night, and he used me. I said no, but he didn't take that as an answer. I guess the confidence I had earlier was because I knew he couldn't do anything to me with Michael there.

"Tell me." He hissed. My eyes met his and I nodded, a tear escaping one of my eyes. His eyes softened as he wiped it away. His expression changed as he turned to Matt, stomping through the doorway, punching Matt straight in the gut, causing him to fall to the floor.

"You're so fucking lucky that you're Calum's brother or I'd beat the shit out of you."




Hello guys I know this is s u p e r short but i uploaded twice in two days because so many of you really like this story (omg yay thank you) so I wanted to give you a nice cliffhanger ha

Soooooooooo Matt is Calum's brother... I hope you didn't see that coming haha

Thank you for reading, and vote/comment/follow pleeease!

love ya xx

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- Shannon xox

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