chapter eight.

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I woke up, a yawn escaping my lips. I sat up, feeling a bit light-headed. Let's just say I am the opposite of a morning person.

I looked at my night stand, seeing my phone light up with a text. I picked it up, brushing my bed head out of my face and looking at the screen.

To: Chloe

From: Calum

party 2nite. you up 4 it?

I groaned. I just wanted to stay in today. But, I knew Calum wanted to go, so I replied with:

To: Calum

From: Chloe

you know it.

He then texted back with the details and what time he would be picking me up (8:30).

It was currently 10:14 A.M., and I had no plans for the rest of today. Jess and I haven't hung out in quite some time, so I decided to call her.

"Hey, look who finally decided to call me." She says as soon as she picks up.

"I know, I know.." I reply, "I've just been so busy and you know how Calum is and-"

"C, calm down. I was joking." She said, letting a laugh escape.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Uh I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out? There's a party tonight and I've kind of exhausted every outfit I could possibly wear." I said.

There was a slight pause before her response. "Let's do this!"


It was now around noon, and Jess was currently pulling in the driveway.

To: Chloe

From: Jess

get ur lazy butt out here!

I grabbed my phone and wallet, tossing them into my bag. I slipped on a pair of converse and ran out the door.

I got to her car, sliding into the passenger seat.

"So, about the party, I think you should know-" Jess began until I cut her off.

"I really don't want to talk about it," I laughed. "I just wanna spend time with my best friend. I haven't seen you in ages."

"Whatever you say." She replied, pulling out of my driveway. We made our way to the mall, and arrived there in about fifteen minutes.

We parked in front of Macy's, and entered the door to get in shortly after. We decided to look around in Macy's, considering we were already inside, so we headed towards the dresses.

"So, are you going to this party tonight too? I only ask, because maybe we could all go together." I questioned Jess as we were browsing the racks of dresses.

"All as in me, you, Calum, and Luke? Sure, why not."

I sighed a breath of relief, thankful that Jess was also going to be there.

"Thank God. I thought I would have to be around Calum and his football team the whole time." I laughed.

"You think that it's going to be his football team?" She questioned.

"Of course it will be. That's who we party with all the time. Now, enough talking about the party. I really don't see any dresses I like. Have you found any?"

"Uhh, nope. I think we should head over to Forever 21. I heard they're having a sale." She said, placing the unwanted dress she had been holding back on the rack she picked it up from.

"Sounds perfect."


"How about this one?" I asked, showing Jess a knee-length pink dress. It was conservative, yet party-ish. There was really no need to wear something short considering I had a boyfriend, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to even go to this party.

"What are we going to church?" She asked, laughing.

"Well what am I supposed to wear?" I asked, offended by her choice of words.

She picked up a short red dress. "This. Oh, and look, it's only $10.80! Try it on!" She said, happily.

I rolled my eyes. "Calum's not really gonna like his girlfriend in that with a bunch of guys around."

"Well I know someone who will." She said, somewhat smirking.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, yet headed towards the dressing room. I slipped it on, yanking on different places to have it fall right. It looked good.. Really good. So, I decided to go with it.

I walked out of the dressing room to show Jess and her jaw dropped.

"You have to get that." She said.

"It's not too.. I dunno.. Much?" I questioned, feeling kind of uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, it looked great, I just wasn't sure if I was ready to dress like this again.

"You look GORGEOUS. No need to worry." Jess smiled at me.

Boy was she wrong.


My doorbell rang, signaling that Jess, Luke, and Calum were here. I was the last pickup. I trotted down the stairs, sliding my black pumps on and opening the door. Once Calum's eyes fell upon me, his eyes widened. I suddenly felt self-conscious when time had passed and he still hadn't said anything.

"Too much?" I asked.

"No, no, oh God, no.. You look.. Wow." He replied, practically drooling.

"You're such a boy." I exclaimed, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Not my fault I have a gorgeous girlfriend." He said, pulling me into him, and kissing me.

A car horn behind us beeped.

"STOP MAKING OUT OR WE'RE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU." Luke shouted. I pulled Calum towards the car and we hopped in.


"We're here." Luke said, parking the car in front of a familiar house.

"Why are we parked in front of the frat house?" I asked, obviously clueless of what was going on.

"This is where the party is babe." Calum said, rubbing my back. I turned to Jess and glared at her.

"Hey I tried warning you." She said, defending herself.

"Why are you-Oh shit. I totally didn't think about that. I'm the worst boyfriend ever." Calum said, realizing what he had done.

"Cal, it's fine." I told him. Calling him by his nickname signaled that I really wasn't angry. I was scared. Seeing Michael after six months will be quite the show.

"Are you sure? Cause we can totally go back if you want." Calum asked.

I kissed his cheek. "I'm fine. Really."

He smiled. "You're the best."

"You're damn right I am."



oooh Michael and Chloe get to see each other again.

sorry it's been forever since I last posted. school has been killing me lately and i can never find time to upload.

however, i get out of school soon which means i get to upload more yayyy 😋

thanks for reading! don't forget to vote/comment/follow!!

love you.

- shannon xox

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